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  1. #18
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Her heart pounded with ferocity as she saw sparks of tainted, dim blue through her vision of red. She saw nothing but her target. All the other surroundings were faded as mist. She stalked towards her prey, ever intent on destruction. Fight. She needed to fight. Claw at it, rip it in half, decimate it. She yearned to feel her hands tearing through flesh. She was starving to taste and feel blood. She screamed as she drew closer, closer to the object of her rage. Yet, she was unable to process what Rehtul was doing.

    In an instant, it happened.

    The thick crack sounded. Toxic blood gushed out as the powerful arrow buried itself into her head, then reappeared at the other side of her skull. The arrow splunked into the water with a heavy splash. The cloak dissipated from her frame as everything stopped. The monstrous beast teetered for a moment before falling backwards, into the murky waters.

    The corpse was not of a monster, however, but of a girl.


    "There be a monster in all of us, dear. How we control that monster... it breaks us, or makes us."

    The familiar words of an old friend. When Felicity had been in a tough spot, she tried pushing her away in fear of hurting her with her monster. But her friend, named Yvonne, had refused to leave her side.

    “Ye be forgiven yer misconduct, on one condition - Ye try ta think of yerself with kindness."

    Despite their differing world views, Yvonne had helped Felicity to start facing her monster, and separate it from herself.

    Now, Felicity was under the guidance of a teacher, Shinsou Vaan Osiris. He too believed in her.

    “You did well, today. That beast was as dangerous as they come, and you punched a hole right through his defences. I had to throw everything I had at him to keep the big bastard down. Get yourself checked over, and come to my quarters when the surgeon gives you the all clear.”

    Was Felicity just her powers, however? Was she just her rage? Her first meeting with Rehtul had taken place before her first mentor became a monster and her family died. However, she had still been shunned, ridiculed, and tormented by her hometown. She also had her powers back then, albeit primitive. She showed signs of monstrosity even then. She still had hatred...

    Their first Citadel match was on the sailing ship, coursing through clear waters. Sea salt overtook her nose and cool spray sprinkled the fourteen year old as Rehtul introduced himself. "My name is Rehtul Orlouge, of the Orlouge Clan of Mystics. I’m... well, as you can see,” he said as he summoned a spear of ice, “I’m an Elemental Mage specializing in ice magic.”

    “If you want to back out, now’s the time to do it. You came in here knowing what could possibly happen to you. If you didn’t, you can be inflicted with a lot of pain and even experience death here. It’s not pleasant.” He seemed to shiver at the thought. “Trust me, I’d know. Are you sure you want to do this?”

    Felicity had been insulted then, on that pleasant pirate ship. Even if he had tried to be polite, Rehtul had still underestimated her. Felicity had dealt with being shoved aside or worse, cursed, since she was a little kid. The monster took over as she responded, "I'm positive."

    The fight on the deck had continued, eventually leading to a storm brewing above the ship. In turn, her opponent had been struck by lightning. The monster could have overtaken Felicity then. Felicity could have killed the vulnerable man, yet...

    Felicity instantly tossed her sword aside, racing up to Rehtul. Yes, he had underestimated her. Yes, he has frightened her. However, he was still a living being with thoughts and emotions - like her. Felicity was deeply damaged from her abuse as a child, but she learned several things from it... one of them being to treat others as she wanted to be treated.

    The redhead knelt down and felt his pulse, "Are you gonna be okay?" She asked.

    Felicity did not know what to do. Her panic rose again as thunder crackled in the distance. She felt the waves shake the unstable ship. The rain made it harder and harder to see ahead. Felicity choked before looking down on the injured Orlouge again. "I'm going to stop the match..."

    And stop the match she did.

    The question stood. Was she a monster for having dark qualities? Was she evil for feeling hatred at all? Or, was she just as capable of pushing through her depravity and being a hero instead?

    Sinking beneath the dark, heavy swamp waves, her supernatural blood rose to the surface in a sickeningly thick, wretched sludge. Where the arrow has caused her to fall, only bubbling heat remained. What remained of the girl who fought her today? Was she worse off than she was facing Orlouge the first time, all those years ago?
    Last edited by Flamebird; 12-22-2020 at 10:48 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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