"It's time," Rehtul said to himself as he pushed himself off the wall and opened the door before him. He'd been told to wait a couple of minutes for them to find him an opponent, and just to enter that door when the time had elapsed. He breathed in the new air and found it to be damp and muggy. He looked at his white pants and coat with a cringe. This was going to be a dirty fight, he could already tell.

He stepped through and heard the telltale squelch of boot hitting mud as he looked around. The place was dimly lit, but visibility was still there. He could easily see his opponent, so long as they didn't have some ability that allowed them to blend into the shadows. Soft luminescence filled the area around him as he continued to walk forward. The source was giant mushrooms, fungi, growing as tall as the trees of Concordia and emitting a soft glow in a rainbow of colors.

"Hm, well... Where plants fear to tread, fungi will often take their place. They don't necessarily require direct sunlight to grow, so it comes as little surprise that they'd be able to grow easily in a subterranean environment like this one. Though that does beg the question..." Rehtul trailed of as he looked in every possible direction for a wall or roof. As the gloom turned into pitch black darkness at the edge of his vision, he could see no signs of an edge to this underworld populated primarily by bioluminescent fungi.

He frowned slightly as he came to a stop. His ears perks up as he heard the same squelching that his own boots had made. His opponent was nearby and apparently favored somewhat the same type of footwear for battle. As their silhouette came into view, Rehtul could make out it was at least someone who was taking this seriously. It appeared to be a dress uniform fitting for a ranking officer of some military unit, but also appeared tough enough to protect the wearer under normal combat situations.

Probably lined with puncture resistant materials, he thought to himself. As the woman, for from her body shape he could now tell that this was indeed a woman, approached, Rehtul reached toward the mud beneath him and concentrated. The air around him dropped in temperature substantially as white-tinged wind whipped around his arm. Water, cool and clear floated up from the damp floor and around his gloved hand. It solidified itself into a wrist-mounted sword. He gave it a couple of experimental swings and then turned toward his opponent.

"I pray you don't mind me arming myself ahead of introductions. I'm Rehtul Orlouge. I'll be your opponent today."