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  1. #1
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,303

    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    Interesting reaction, Rehtul noted in his head as he looked the woman over as his knife entered her flesh. What he did not anticipate was everything else. Her blood was aflame and radiated some sickening energy unlike anything he'd ever seen in his life. Nearby fungi were already wilting from the sheer output of this energy. It was like the smog from a volcano, only invisible and... He sniffed and backed up a few steps.

    "Her blood is like a toxic flame," he muttered under his breath as the heat radiating off of her body swept by him in waves. He felt nausea sweep through him like a torrent as the heat from her body approached him. "It's like she can poison you without even touching you."

    Something about this was off. Rehtul knew it. She looked pissed, and he had only barely scratched her. What was causing this? The wound?

    Dammit, what the hell... Could it be... exposing her blood to air? It's not impossible, I'll concede. That means she could activate whatever the hell this is on her own just by making a small cut on an inconspicuous spot on her arm, though.

    The more he thought about it as she rose from the slop beneath them, the more convinced he was that this was indeed the case. What other possible effects could this damage have on her, however? It seemed a bit more than just this toxic power pouring off of her in waves. There was something far more unstable about her movements. Then she drew another blade and made her attack.

    Rehtul didn't hesitate. He jumped backward and touched the tip of his own blade to the muck beneath. Behind him, a frosty circular disc of ice formed. He slid across it, but stopped short of the edge. He did a little hop and felt his shoes dip into the disgusting mud beneath once more. With the disc between the two of them, he scowled.

    "Letting your temper get the best of you? Shameful," he said. With that hanging between the two of them, he raised his booted foot and stomped down on the disc. It stood up straight in the gunk as Rehtul ran his magic through the blade of his ice sword. He lunged forward and stabbed the center of the disc. The force of his magic launched the nearly hundred pound hunk of ice toward the young woman at an alarming speed.
    Last edited by Rehtul Orlouge; 10-25-2020 at 09:38 PM.

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