Quote Originally Posted by Gum do Mugu View Post
1v1 tournament get shin to judge it he'll be cool with it ^_~ would probably only turn out to be an 8 person bracket?
I'm down with this. It'd be great to see what some of the new talent could do!

Final decision on an official Althanas tournament rests with the admins on this and I think we'd need to have a chat to make sure we're comfortable with activity levels. The Gisela the other year was an absolute shitshow and if we're going to start running tournaments again I definitely do NOT want to see that repeat itself.

I do however have an idea for testing the water and seeing how activity goes.

I occasionally run sort of an unofficial tournament called the Osiris Open.

Threads are judged like Citadel threads, and GP rewards for finising positions come from a mixture of small entry fees (100 Gp per person) and then a huge top up from my personal stash.

Arenas are pre determined, and are dished out on a first come, first served basis. You pick the name of an arena you like, and on tournament start, your arena is revealed to you.

So, how about it? Shall we do an Osiris Open? Then if that works out, we can talk about having an official tournament?