Tony I'm old enough to remember Sorjax, he was a good bloke hahah.

But yeah bro you bring up some of my own concerns too...a tournament would imply a super active community like I been talking about.

I think a better/more constructive focus would be working on the active features WE DO heave in place and making them maybe more user friendly? I have pointed out in the past as lot of tourneys and other wise really brilliant ideas became bogged down with too many layers of complexity.

I think...(Just spiballing guys but hear me out a moment or two) a citadel overhaul with a much more simplified citadel league could work here.

Instead of bringing back a lot of over complex tournaments (At least for the time being) use the systems WE HAVE already.

The Citadel could benefit for a really big over haul. Some sort of a season style event for the site to participate in could work here too. (Yes the idea is loosely ripped off Diablo 3 and Path of Exile but its an idea that works I think it can work on our site too)

What I'm mainly getting at is this: overhaul The Citadel is point one. Point two overhaul the regions themselves JUST a bit to allow much more easier player added content. I am someone who respects Ithermoss a lot for adding The Thayne Codex into the site's lore.

It should be EASIER to add player lore/etc onto the site.

I've rped heavily on several other sites. Valucre, Aelyria, and a super competitive DBZ based rping site.

BOTH Valucre and Aelyria had player lore systems in play.

Me and Andy used to both point out: In PERSONAL lore Lorenor (One of my own characters) could have destroyed X lab of BABE's character right?

But it would STILL be up to Andy to acknowledge this and vice versa.

What I am proposing is. this: a HUGE overhaul to the personal lore portion of the game and make it EASIER and even more rewarding for players to write together and integrate their lore in a seamless storyline.

I can recall back in the day Lorenor (Who is openly gay by the way) had a relationship with a really old character on the site named Urei.

Those were some of the fondest stories I ever wrote with anyone.

I'll drop more ideas as I come up with them but that's the basic stuff I got for you guys so far.