Deep at the heart of Corone, surrounded by once lush fields and rolling hills, lies Whitevale. To the uninitiated, the sprawling settlement is one of Corone's simple places harking back from a more simple time. Rows of whitewashed stone houses, surrounded by a six foot spiked perimeter wall with wrought iron gates, make up the bulk of the sprawling town. At its centre is a disused church; a dilapidated, holy building built to worship the Thayne of Althanas, a now crumbling landmark succumbing to the elements.

To those who know better, this place is the spiritual and physical home of The Brotherhood. Their presence is felt on every street, in every tavern and store and in every home.

Today, though, everything is eerily quiet. The town has been accosted to host a tournament, and so powerful are the combatants that the populous has been temporarily evacuated...