The Boneyard was a cursed place.

The room, if you could call it a room, was smothered in a dense lilac mist that rolled over a dark granite floor and cascaded down from a cracked, mossy stone ceiling thirty foot above. The gravity seemed to be stronger than that of anything on Althanas, pulling the steam down in much faster streams than would normally be possible.

There seemed to be no walls, but instead a rippling membrane of thick, sticky plasma. Beyond this, there was only an expanse of void that stretched on far beyond what the eye could render, obscured by the thick steam-like substance pouring down from above and columns of black and grey marble that jutted out of the floor at ten foot intervals.

The skeletal remains of those who had become trapped in this nightmarish dimension were liberally scattered over the floor. Some of their possessions, such as weapons and armour, lay where their owners had been slain...