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  1. #1
    Junior Member

    EXP: 730, Level: 1
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    Level completed: 37%,
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    Astrophel Valentin Level 1

    ((Philomel's new alt... because))

    Name: Astrophel Valentin
    Age: 13
    Race: Djinn
    Hair Color: Deep indigo blue
    Eye Color: Black
    Height: Changes, although usually around 5ft
    Weight: Again, changes as she is literally made of gases, but when physical she is around 90 lbs

    Occupation (Optional):
    Djinn, so slave to whatever master has her vessel.

    Personality (Optional):
    Astrophel is somewhat quiet and reclusive. She has, since she was born, been passed from master to master (in Djinn culture a female owner of the vessel is also known as master). She is obedient for the most part, but because of her misfortune in having so many of her masters die, she has never been allowed to settle and so is anxious for the most part. She is quickly learning, however, the power of seduction and has managed to earn herself a few praises in that area. She rarely smiles, but when she does it is adorable.

    Astrophel takes the form of a young girl, just a little older than the age that she would appear to be as a human. She has deep indigo long hair, either tied back in a tight bun or let lose. She prefers to wear a light blue dress, clean for the most part.
    Sometimes she takes the form of an older version of her younger self, when in need of seducing, and in this the dress is made into a tighter-fitting gown with slits up the sides to near her hips. She also is always in bare feet, no matter where, her feet being completely numb.

    In the distant desert land of Alteron, a tiny country, rich in colourful merchantile culture, situated upon somewhere in Keribas, women are sometimes cursed in their pregnancies. It is usually by a warlock, and rich people pay to have blessings bestowed on them to keep such curses away. But for those who cannot afford such a blessing, and who have the misfortune to displease a warlock, have their children cursed to a lifetime of enslavement. When the child is born they become a djinn, whether male or female, and become trapped in the closest object possible that has little to no entry. Their bodies become corporeal, and they are made immortal, but all to the life of a curse. For whosoever has the vessel of entrapment and lays a finger upon the seal of the Djinn becomes that Djinn's master, for as long as they have possession.

    Astrophel was one such child, born to a mother thrown out by her family for getting pregnant before she was betrothed. They asked the local warlock to curse her, and thus Astrophel was made a Djinn. No amount of begging by her mother during the pregnancy could save her. Astrophel's mother, not able to cope with the fact she had created such a being, through out Astrophel's vessel, a humble clay tea pot with no decoration. It being a vessel the teapot did not break, and was picked up by a tinker. He discovered the prize inside, and abused Astrophel for the next two years until the magic within her made her growth accelerate to have the appearance and knowledge and skill of a twenty year old.

    He was later killed by a camel herder, who took the vessel and sold it onto a merchant. The merchant, knowing the vessel for what it was, released Astrophel and proceeded to use her until he died of old age six months after that. A series of masters came about then, first the merchant's daughter, and then her lover. After that she was presented to a emir as a gift, and from there it was stolen by three different people in succession, each of whom were not good masters. Two more merchants came, then another nobleman, then a visiting assassin who found great use in Astrophel's immortality ability, then a brothel mistress who taught Astrophel how to seduce, and from there an ambassador from a neighbouring country who took Astrophel away from Alteron.

    The ambassador gifted the vessel, and thus Astrophel, onto a travelling merchant friend he had, who was heading to the larger continent of Althanas. The merchant, a lady by the name of Herandira, was kinder to Astrophel than any other master before, but still ensured that the Djinn knew she was a slave. Their ship landed, after months of voyaging, onto the harbour of Knife's Edge in Salvar, and it was from here that rumours of a rich merchant from a far away land began. The ship was ransacked, attacked in the dead of night, and during the chaos Astrophel's vessel fell and became lost in the dirty streets of Knife's Edge. It is there that she is now, and she lies in wait for the next fortunate, or perhaps unfortunate soul, to come across her old clay teapot.

    Race Traits:
    • Hunger and Thirst:- Older Djinn never need to eat or drink. Astrophel, still being young, needs to do these vital things to stay alive but not as often as a human. One meal a day is sufficient, and it does not have to be much.
    • Immortality:- When a Djinn dies they return back to their vessel. Their physical form dies and they return to corporeal form.
    • Immaterial Form:- Djinn can be immaterial - become a gas like substance whic they call the aether. It is how they fit in their vessels, and they also can take physical form when called upon. They can switch between these at will, though this becomes easier with age. They are also still affected by magic in the same way however, so can be burnt etc.

    • Seduction:- Astrophel is becoming more skilled in this after her brothel-owning mistress Gardia.
    • Survival:- After all her different masters Astrophel has become skilled in keeping herself fed and watered.
    • Languages:- Astrophel has a keen ear for languages and has picked up many.
    • Intelligence:- SHe is a fast learner and a quick thinker

    • A Little Immortal:- When Astrophel is killed in battle she does not die. Instead she returns directly to her vessel, wherever it may be. This includes any death, whether from hunger or thirst also.
    • Immaterial:- Up to 3 times in a fight Astrophel can become immaterial - turn to a gas-like substance that they call the aether - and thus fit into a smaller space or prevent a physical blow from hitting her. This does not stop magical effects. This ability also allows her to change form, though she is usually just walking around as her young female self.
    • Summon:- Astrophel can summon a single weapon from the aether, this can take up to the size of a sword, and currently has the strength of steel. She can also use this ability to summon things like a clay pot, and a spoon etc with which to eat. In a battle she can summon this up to six times for a total of one post each or a single item for six posts (or three for two posts, two for three posts each ... as long as the maximum multiplication is six).


    Clay teapot:- though not technically hers, but rather her master's, the only thing Astrophel truly has in the world in her vessel.

  2. #2
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
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