Three stone steps led down to the round room, held up by sturdy pillars in the edges of the room. In the center, a wonderful woodwork table, bright red, had numerous maps and papers scattered across them. The fireplaces at the end of the room, across from the doors, which roaring with rich flames. The torches on the pillars also gave the room a slim smog of smoke. It smelled of burnt wood and dust in here. It was honestly hard not to cough. However, more than the red carpets, Brotherhood and Whitevale Banners, or one or two pints of hot beverages laying around; the single thing that struck Felicity the most was... was...

How all head instantly snapped towards her, like cats in the night casting their glowing eyes on a target. It felt like ten million people were watching, even though the numbered people here were a meager six. Felicity gulped as she tried to stand straighter, observing the people here. An elderly man, remarkably fit for his age, had his grey hair short and neat. Andrew Column, a loyal member of the Brotherhood from the very beginning. His perfectly aligned military outfit was without a wrinkle of stain as he stood straight up, giving her a look of raw distrust. Felicity had to tear herself away from his glare as she noticed the dark elf woman who had looked up from brooding over the maps. Her earthy green skin was contrasted by her white uniform. Her long, black hair was loose and down, tangled. Yet, her face was one of raw determination, even if her eyes had circles under them. Leaning against one of the pillars was a younger human male; a brown haired young man who was also physically fit. Of course, the others in the room also had remarkable features, yet Felicity knew that Andrew Column and this elf, Celebmoriel Gemshine, were the second two highest ranking officials in the 95th Legion.

Forcing herself to hold her head up high, Felicity descended the stairs in a swift job, stalking towards the table. "Ladies and gentlemen." She internally winced when her voice cracked. As she stopped next to the table, she cleared her throat and continued.

"Lord Osiris has appointed me the new general of this legion. As such, I promise to do my very best in leading you." She was subconsciously avoiding Column's gaze as she crossed her arms, looking at Commander Gemshine. "Our current mission is to track and destroy Arius Mephisto' familiars and bases."