The old man turned to her, Felicity pulled her prevalida katana, still in its sheath, off her back and extended it to him. "This should be able to piece between the eyes, to its brain! I'll distract it."

Felicity tossed it to him and she drew her two arming swords, lifting her voice, "Everyone, save me and Column, fall back! Gemshine-"

"-I prefer Celebmoriel-"

"-Celebmoriel, get the girl out of here!"

Everyone snapped into action as Felicity darted towards the monster. This thing needed to be taken down, now, before its sickness reached Whitevale. As the green mist swirled around her, Felicity opened her mouth to chant. "Ego mutuari temporis et spatii!"

Her eyes changed. The image of a clock formed in her green orbs, the hands rapidly ticking way faster than the average person. Around her, everything slowed. Even as the vast majority of the squad fell back, Felicity entered the position of a mobile cutter. Using her prevalida sword, Splicer, as a main hand, and using her delyn sword, Heart, as her secondary. Processing speed in a different time frame, she lunged forth, aiming to repeatedly cut the half extended arm.

In a series of a couple blows, the arm was sliced into two. Without wasting the fraction of a moment, moving at insane speeds, Felicity raced to the chest and used both swords to cut along it. Swerving aside with a twirl to maintain momentum, she aimed for the upper, unused arm still recoiled. Splicer's black blade vibrated, and Heart sung true. Blow after blow, Felicity aimed for the limbs and legs. bringing it down in a distracting flurry that would leave it unaware of the man currently charging forth with a larger sword just as strong as Splicer.

She witnessed in painful slow motion, the way Column, who appeared way younger than h actually was, lunged his sword into the Nuckelavee's eye. A screech was emitted from the creature, and Column was thrust back with the lung of its head. Felicity bolted forth, gripping Splicer in a reverse grip and jamming it into the monster's other eye. She turned around, grabbing Column to prevent hi from falling. As she lowered him, the Nuckelavee's was still recoiling in slow motion. Felicity then yanked the katana, Copycat, and shoved it between the scrawny ribs, into the heart. Then, she let go of the weapons and flung Column over her shoulder. She did not know what happened when these things died, and she did not want to be too close when finding out...