Traitor, they called me
Betrayer of trust.
I was placed to the side as coup-de-tat became the norm,
Named as one who could not be trusted.
All because I decided to serve my interests,
To raise a guild of my own.
One of secrets, one of life,
Whilst the assassins' sanctum was my home.
Then I became just me. Just me in my world.
My influence grew, my name grew.
I became a brothel-keeper, a saviour to some ...
A ship mate, then a -
Pirate Captain.
(That one still baffles me too.)
More brothels wanted my protection. My name grew famous.
Lover was I, but also secret keeper. Matron, warrior, sailor, killer, general ...
I am Philomel of the Gilded Lily. We stand for female freedom.
You will find us in every safe brothel, where the women are respected. So respected that they own their own.
And I am a legacy, I am told.
I still have a ship, but now have a fortress, an army, a following.
I am a high priestess of my Goddess Drys,
And above all ...
I am a mother.