I see red.

Oh, I could take you, break you, crumble you into dust!
I could twist you, torture you, subjugate you to a fate worse than death!
I wish I could kill you! Revenge fantasies play in my mind…
If only I could make you see all the pain I’ve felt

I break furniture, I scream in my room
I wish every chair I broke was you
Don’t you dare justify your reasons for your wretched actions! You filth!
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

I wish I could watch all you love burn
And with nothing to even wear you drown in despair
And I laugh as sweet revenge is completed!
Then- ….



Then, I cry, because I just thought of that…

If I did what I wish
If I tortured or even killed you
Am I a monster, like you were?
Am I a creature for wishing harm on others?
I wish, I so desperately wish, that I could take my anger out on you…
But I’m better than that. At least I should be…