I remember…
How they taunted me, berated me, placed shame in me
I remember…
They loathed me for existing

I never asked to be born, especially from a father who was a rapist
I never asked to exist, especially from a mother who refused to own this
But now, I am here, from the neandethal father who was vengeance
Now, I am here. Must I pay for my family’s sins?

My mother disowned me, father never knew me
I bet he would not even care
My townsfolk spit at me, my rulers barely spared me
How on earth is this fair?

Walking down the streets with the uncle who took me in
I wonder if it was only out of pity…
The townsfolk whisper and jeer and me, I feel weakness
But he scoops me up and kisses my cheek

My cousin teaches me to fight the bullies
Inside, I am dishonored, I only feel angry
My uncle tries to tell my mother give me a chance
She turns away, spewing her wrath

Do you know how worthless, pathetic, useless I feel?
In this depressed, snow coated kingdom of bitter cold steel
Yet my uncle tells me of a land of growing greens
He will not take me there, across the frigid sea

To freedom…