
Why was he teleporting?

He knew Felicity was with him, had placed her hand on him before the teleport. As the world sparked and buzzed, Gwenael peered out into the realm he had transported to. Felicity clung tightly to his arm, dizzy from the insane levels of magical energy. Her magic sense was overloaded, and she was frozen. As Felicity squeezed his arm, Gwenael’s eyes easily adapted to the new location. They were on solid ground. Cool grass was at their bare feet, wet from night dew. This was obviously far from Corone, but Gwenael could tell this was not Phantaria either. Looking up at the clear sky, Gwenael breathed in cold night air. Looking in one direction, Gwenael noticed the landscape bending downwards. Peering through, he noticed that it lead to a rocky beach. Gwenael refocused, looking to the opposite direction. This was a boulder coated, mountainous island with pine tree forests spreading inland. Their location – the grassy hills between the beach and forest.

There were multiple boulders surrounding them. The winding hills were spotted with one or two ferns here and there, but it was mostly just short grasses. As Gwenael felt Felicity come to next to him, Gwenael’s energy focused inwards.

I – no – we teleported. Why? I have never lost control of my own powers before, and I do not know of this place. No, that means some sort of power teleported me here. But the only thing capable of handling a Thayne like that is-

Felicity gasped. Gwenael turned to see her squinting as she tried to focus on one of the boulders. Her magic sense was flaring again, and Gwenael could feel that the energy was so dark, so evil, it was causing her pain. From behind the boulder, a figure stepped out. A silhouette against the star spotted night sky, Gwenael was able to confirm his theory right there and then.

“Another Thayne.”

He himself was unable to read the figures mind. Her powers were equal, if not greater, than his own. She was able to prevent his Thayne Sight from penetrating her mind. Yet, he immediately knew who this shadowed woman was…


The figure turned her head to face them. Unnatural darkness prevented him from seeing her face as she tilted her head. “What is that mortal doing here?” She spat in curious apathy.