“Well Done Slave.” The husky voice of the skull intoned. “Channeling Motivation Allows You Use Of Your Own Strength, Instead Of Relying Solely On Ours. Imagine That Feeling With An Ambition That Filled Your Every Waking Thought, That Is The True Power Of The Lich.” The skull bobbed in place, as close to smiling as a skull without a bottom jaw or lips could. “We Would Advise You Not To Use Us As The Source Of Anger, However. Our Continued Existence Is Tied, The Fate Of One Is The Fate Of Both.”

Kurtz looked at the skull incredulously, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Did you goad me this entire time, constantly telling me to kill innocent people, pushing me for endless hours of physical exhaustion, just to teach me a lesson? We could have accomplished it in any number of other ways than causing my this much physical and mental stress.”

The skull stopped moving in space at the words of the stable boy. “Perhaps So. In Doing This However, We Have Condensed Many Topics Into The Same Span Of Time. You Have Gained Physical Prowess And Become Adequate With A Blade. You Have Learned The Different Sources Of Power For Our Kind, And How To Overcome Their Weaknesses, Cruel As The Methods May Seem. You Have Also Gained Working Knowledge On How To Channel And Grow Your Own Powers, Continuing To Do So Is Essential In Becoming Stronger As A Lich. Do Not Assume We Have Not Factored The Most Expedient And Effective Path To Your Training Slave. We Have Taught Many Students, Those That Did Not Flourish Quickly Did Not Survive.”

Kurtz thought deeply for a moment, the words of the specter taking him back a moment. He’d underestimated the ghost, thinking that the methods of such a creature would be ill suited to him. He had to keep in mind that this being had been so powerful that it nearly dominated the world once, and his advice would be worth hearing, even if it was out of date and tinged with nihilism. Kurtz would just have to filter everything the skull said.

“I apologize for misjudging you. I beg your forgiveness.” Kurtz said, giving the skull the ceremony and flourish he knew it craved. “Worry Not Slave. A King Has No Need Of Apologies From His Subjects, Nor Their Thanks. He Is Above All Such Petty Concerns.” The necromancer said in a pleased voice that he didn’t even try to hide.

The sun had began to set, tinging the sky a bright, brilliant orange fading to a deep red toward the horizon. Fireflies and lightning bugs began to glow in the shadows of the woods that circles the clearing. The air began to cool as a pleasant breeze began to blow though the trees, completing the picturesque scene. Though Kurtz could appreciate the aesthetic, he found the prospect of getting a decent night’s sleep much more appealing. For the last time of the day, he turned and began to walk back to the town, surprised the see a thick plume of black and blue smoke coming from the same direction.