(I'm resubmitting my character sheet to readjust my abilities for character narrative with permission by Shinsou. I did away with some abilities and replaced them with Necromancer-centric ones. Profile needs to be reapproved. Thanks.)

Name: Sorin.
Age: 19.
Race: Salvar.
Hair Color: Pale Blonde.
Eye Color: Green.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs

Occupation (Optional):
Errand runner, unpaid assistant and personal slave all in one - also known as a dutiful son.

Personality (Optional):
Everything you would expect from a nineteen year old who has never seen the world outside of Wintervale and the few nearby towns that border it. Flighty, curious, and perhaps a bit too eager to get his feet wet which has more than once gotten him into trouble. Sorin is kind, friendly, and never afraid to ask a question - so in that sense, he might be perceived as annoying at times.

Standing at five foot, eleven inches, Sorin is always constantly aware he almost made it to six feet even but doesn’t act like it. His hair is as bright and pale as the sun reflecting off of a snow dune and has the color to match; if you’re close enough to touch it, it’s easy to see that it is actually blonde but beyond that it could seem to be as bright as the moon on a cloudless night. Green eyes, fair skin, and a smile as easy as they come, it’s apparent that he hasn’t met many hardships in his short life. There’s nothing about him that would deter people from approach him unless they were uncomfortable with the epitome of friendliness.

What is history? Is it the truth of things that occurred in the past or the lie that is told and commonly accepted? In the case of Sorin, all that’s known is the lie. As it’s always been told, the old man who would become known as “Father” opened his door to find a wailing, rosy cheeked babe swaddled warmly in an apple basket upon his front step. Vaelorus Septim, known as Vael to very few, had received numerous unwanted gifts at his door throughout the long, cold years he occupied the northern regions of Salvar but none of them were as peculiar as a baby.

Septim, after years of moving endlessly from town to town, came to occupy a snow-covered hill overlooking the town of Wintervale. Septim was a man shrouded in mystery himself; he kept to his own machinations mostly and would only go into town for provisions once a season. There had been rumors ever since he had taken up residence in the rundown tower that once served as a lookout during the war but being a small town beyond Archen, there wasn’t much in the way of accurate information aside from townsfolk gossip. Whether it was the manner in which he conducted himself about the townspeople or their over active imaginations, people were frightened by him. There were nights that the lights in the tower never went out and on some of those nights, the town could swear they heard unnatural crying shrieking throughout the hills.

Where the baby came from, no one knows – one day, the child just came toddling out of the tower with Septim chasing after him. Growing up, Sorin always knew that Septim wasn’t his biological father but always regarded him as if he were, regardless. The boy grew up healthy and strong among the other kids in the village and was always known for being bright, cheery, and full of laughter, which struck many as odd considering his father was not known to exhibit any of these traits. Over the years, seeing Sorin grow alongside their own children did wonders to improve their impression of the mysterious man in the tower, leaving them to believe that they ultimately misjudged the character of the secretive Septim. After all, how could a horrible man raise such an honest, kind child?

Little did they know, throughout the years that sweet little Sorin was growing up, he was learning all about his father’s work as the best apprentice one of the arts could hopeful. Vaelorus Septim, known fondly as “Vael the Devil”, or simply “The Black Devil,” during the ‘War of the Flesh,’ was a practitioner of some of the darkest magic known to the worlds beyond. Necromancy was his forte but he dabbled, and dabbled well, in Hemomancy and Demon Conjuring, among countless other forbidden magics that branded him an enemy of the Church of the Ethereal Sway. Therefore, Sorin was an enemy by association.

Mysteriously, Sorin's employment of Necromancy is far different than traditional means of spellweaving through the Blacktongue. No - his use of spells seemed to be natural. He could touch a flower and it would shrivel at once. A rat snapped in a trap would spring to life the moment he breathed on it. Septim never commented one way or another about Sorin's unique innate Necromancy but did his best to teach the boy to control his abilities regardless of not completely understanding how they worked.

But – these were facts that weren’t really known outside of the tower walls. Sorin was taught in such a way that he knew he wasn’t supposed to talk about their studies, though he never really knew what the consequences would be if he decided to have a loose tongue.

To this day, he is still an apprentice to his father, often working as the friendly face that procures whatever they’ll need to continue his studies and Septim’s unholy work. Though, as he gets older and learns more about the world beyond Archen, the harder it gets for him to willingly stay and remain dutiful to his teacher. Not out of dislike or hatred, simply because, like any young boy from a small town, he yearns to make his own mark on the world.

Swordsmanship – Novice – No formal training, just what he’s learned swinging wooden sticks at the other kids in the village.
Knifesmanship – Adept – Years of careful animal and corpse dissection have left Sorin with great familiarity when handling a knife or utensil similar to it. He could skin something blindfolded if he needed to.
Knowledge of Anatomy – Advanced – In the same vein as his skills with a knife, performing countless autopsies and many long hours of studying an unbelievable number of creatures in dusty old books has had Sorin develop a great familiarity with the workings of a body – human, animal, and supernatural alike.

Innate Necromancy
  • Animate Dead – Sorin can reanimate the remains of creatures and impose his will upon them for a short length of time. At this time, his knowledge of Necromancy only allows him to reanimate skeletons and small animals that are no more than 50lbs in weight or proportionate size. The reanimated are mindless creatures that will only be able to follow commands of movement and basic attacks. At the height of his concentration, Sorin can keep control of a single reanimation for a maximum of 30 minutes before it returns to a lifeless husk state.
  • Drain Life - Through physical contact, Sorin can steal the life from the living in order to bolster himself. Victims will find their strength sapped from them and become weakened while Sorin is revitalized and invigorated. The boon Sorin receives is directly related to the physical strength, dexterity and endurance of the person he drains. While he can drain the life force of smaller, weaker creatures, the benefit is not nearly as great. (Can be used 2 times per thread/day. The effects of the Drain persist through the entirety of the thread.)
  • Necrosis - A simple, willful touch from Sorin can cause rot and decay. If he establishes physical contact with a living object with the intent to strip the life out of it, it will be. Grass will blacken, flowers will wilt, flesh will rot - leaving a trail of death in his wake. Decomposition of plant life through touch comes without effort but extreme concentration and prolonged contact with the body of a living being is required to cause damage. Currently, any contact less than one minute is just uncomfortable. Extended contact of one minute (2 posts) is required to cause superficial, although very painful, damage to the area of contact. Two minutes (3 posts) of continued contact will cause cellular death and permanent damage (until end of thread, or pre-agreed by player). (Unlimited use against objects. Can be used 2 times per thread/day against other players. Non-permanent damage/pain fades in 4 posts.)

Heavy winter travel gear, an iron dagger, an iron sword, one pair of nice clothing

Familiars (Optional):
None at this time – stay tuned!