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  1. #1

    EXP: 22,896, Level: 6
    Level completed: 42%, EXP required for next Level: 4,104
    Level completed: 42%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,104

    Atzar's Avatar


    Atzar Kellon

    Atzar Kellon, Level 4

    OOC Note: In an effort to get a feel for the new approval system, I’m resubmitting all of my profiles starting with this one. Let me know what I would have to add to each brand of magic in order to fit your requirements for detail. Also, if I could add to my character’s abilities without surpassing the power limit for a level 4 character, let me know – I’d like to use that space. Thanks!

    Name: Atzar Kellon
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Soft Blue
    Height: 6’2”
    Weight: 185 lbs.
    Occupation: Mage, Tribesman of Menka

    Personality: Intelligent, inventive and powerful, Atzar is considered a phenom by many – the “next big thing” among the mages of Menka. Unfortunately, he knows it. He’s arrogant, immature, impetuous, opinionated, and altogether not very likable. Many are initially drawn to his strength, confidence and forceful personality, only to be repelled as soon as they see just how self-absorbed he is. Despite his flaws, he’s truly a good person at heart, and he’ll do anything for those he cares about if he can be convinced to stop thinking about himself for a moment.

    In battle, he’s fearless and aggressive, almost to the point of being reckless. When faced with an inferior opponent, though, he may lose his killer instinct – instead of going swiftly for the kill, he’ll toy with his enemy like a cat with a mouse.

    Appearance: In the eyes of a stranger, Atzar is a tall, youthful man. While he isn’t exactly a physical specimen, he is thin and reasonably athletic. His skin is average, neither pale nor tan. His not-quite-shoulder-length black hair is worn loose. His clean-shaven face is somewhat ordinary, and his eyes are blue. On a normal day, Atzar wears unassuming clothes, usually consisting of a brown, loose-fitting shirt and pants.


    If one wishes to understand Atzar’s past, one must understand Menka. And by extension, one must understand Mahar.

    Mahar is a country, well south of any of the lands documented in Althanas’ history. ‘Country’ is also a very inaccurate term. ‘Tribal lands’ might fit better, for the people who inhabit Mahar live a tribal lifestyle. The tribes are about as friendly to each other as so many male tigers, fighting over a female in mating season. Each tribe constantly tries to establish dominance over its neighbors. Alliances are made only to be broken later. The tribes look down upon sword and shield as a means of warfare, instead taking up something far more destructive: magic.

    As a result, Mahar’s land is blasted, ravaged by fire and lightning and wind from countless battles. Only around villages is it hospitable, where magicians practice their craft to restore the land and grow crops. The bones of all manner of beasts can be found strewn over the landscape. These are not beasts native to the land; rather, mages conjure these animals to attack their enemies and then let them roam free to live or die once their purpose has been served. These bones are commonly found in great abundance around the outskirt of villages, where they are cut down by alert mages before they can do significant damage to the people or crops. Many tribes are attempting to clean up the landscape now, disposing of this wealth of animal remains around their homes, but this practice is still somewhat rare and has yet to make a visible difference out in the wilds.

    Goblin-like creatures rule the lands where no human tribes reside. They, too, are tribal. They are usually somewhat more tolerant of their own kind in comparison to the humans, preferring to make raids on nearby settlements rather than each other. There are some variations among the goblin clans: most are fairly combative, but while some live in villages and are merely territorial, others are nomadic and wildly violent.

    Menka is just one of the many human villages in Mahar. It is home to about five hundred in all, and it is led by Keyek, their chieftain. They are very much an average Mahar tribe – magical and always at war with somebody.

    For his part, Atzar is a Menka tribesman. He has taken part in a few battles, and has impressed his people despite his youthful inexperience. They would, however, prefer that he not be quite so vocal about his distaste for the traditional style of warfare practiced throughout Mahar - he believes that the meager results aren’t worth the destruction. The landscape is inevitably scarred and blasted, but there are typically few casualties, and the combat in general is straightforward and unimaginative – a glorified back-and-forth firefight.


    Reflexes: Through continued exposure to combat, Atzar has honed his reflexes. He reacts about twice as fast as most humans.

    Tough: The mage has developed a tolerance for pain one might not expect from a man of his profession. He can fight through some wounds when most would not.

    Elemental Magic:

    Overuse of a particular area of magic can alter the way Atzar thinks; the actual effect varies depending on the element used to excess as described below.

    Fire: Atzar can create fire now; a head-sized fireball takes about a second to conjure, and he can manipulate it at a respectable speed (greater amounts of flame will move at slower speeds). These projectiles can deliver kinetic force or can consist of simple gouts of flame with no knockback; Kellon has the ability to switch between them at will. The aforementioned gouts of flame have become the wizard’s weapon of choice when confronted with close-range threats.
    Fire represents passion. To drain fire is to feel lethargy and sloth.

    Water: The mage hasn’t gotten any stronger in this element since level 3, but he has gotten smarter. He can only create and control water at a fairly slow pace, but he’s more creative now. Covering a surface with water and freezing it with ice magic, for example, can make it hazardous to travel on. Saturating the earth and raising it above an opponent’s feet can effectively lock him in place until he struggles free. He has figured out a number of tricks such as these that are effective without requiring a great deal of power or effort.
    Water represents flexibility. To drain water is to become rigid and unable to adapt.

    Ice: The mage can create ice at a high rate; projectiles are fast enough to cause severe wounds or death with direct hits. While the magic hasn’t gotten any stronger since level three, he is learning to vary its application beyond simple projectiles.
    Ice represents stoicism. To drain ice is to lose one’s bravery and tolerance.

    Air: Small quantities traveling at high speeds make a good substitute for blades. A trade-off is involved with the use of this magic in battle – while blades of wind are nearly invisible, their destructive power is somewhat limited (it’s still only air, after all) and they will dissipate after contact with a solid object. He can also control larger amounts of air now, well enough to create a constant storm-force wind strong enough to deflect projectiles or knock a man off-balance.
    Air represents creativity. To drain air is to lose the ability to think outside the box.

    Plant: He cannot yet accelerate the growth of plants, at least not to any noticeable degree. He can clumsily manipulate more pliable plants (vines, for instance). While he can move more rigid vegetation, like branches, he cannot maintain them in a different position for more than a second or two.
    Plant represents compassion. To drain plant is to become cold and ruthless.

    Lightning: In its current form, this element’s power is slow to gather. While no ordinary human being is quick enough to dodge lightning based on reflexes alone, it can be predicted and avoided rather easily, and it’s also not very accurate. This element can kill occasionally, although not reliably. It can, however, cause temporary loss of control of a target’s body.
    Lightning represents wits. To drain lightning is to hamper one’s ability to think swiftly and effectively.

    Earth: Atzar can control the many forms of earth: sand, silt, clay, rock and anything in between. He cannot, however, create it at this time. Items controlled can only be done so at a size and speed equivalent to throwing the object. Looser variants of this element (like sand) are harder to manipulate and therefore move more slowly.
    Earth represents logic. To drain earth is to drain the ability to think rationally.

    Metal: The mage is learning to create and control metal in fairly small amounts. He can only create metals up to iron and control metals up to steel. At this time, items controlled can only be done so at a size and speed equivalent to throwing the object; items created are lacking in detail and durability. In addition, this magic is somehow silenced when used within three feet of an opponent (so Atzar cannot crush a man’s armor in on him, or lift spikes from the earth directly underneath his feet). Finally, anything created during a thread is subject to the usual rules regarding spoils if I intend to keep it.
    Metal represents resolve. To drain metal is to lose one’s determination.

    In addition to the uses mentioned above, elemental magic is quite versatile and can be used in unexpected ways.

    Simple clothing. No weapons.

    Name: Zirkan
    Age: Unknown
    Race: Pygmy Dragon
    Scale Color: Azure Blue
    Eye Color: Azure Blue
    Height: 2’ 6”
    Weight: 75 lbs.

    Personality: Zirkan has shown himself to be highly intelligent, aiding Atzar in his escape of the horde of goblins in the caves to the south of Menka. Despite this intelligence, the creature has no qualms whatsoever about engaging in a petty war of words. Whether it’s witty or not, the dragon has an insult or comment for all but the most serious of situations. Despite this most irritating shortcoming, Zirkan has a good heart.

    Appearance: Zirkan is a dragon. His scales are a lustrous blue. He has thick, sturdy legs and shorter arms, and both sport long claws. He has strong, leathery wings on his back, and a thick tail. His eyes are piercing blue, and he has a maw full of long, sharp teeth.

    History: At the moment, Atzar knows nearly nothing about Zirkan’s past. As near as he could tell, Zirkan was asleep in a small underground chamber when Ceran Tumultos ran in to escape from the goblins and accidentally collapsed the entrance, trapping them both there. The mage hasn’t learned anything else of the dragon’s story before that.


    He can fly, and can lift and take to the air with around 100 pounds despite his diminutive size. He has no magic - his only form of attack is his teeth and claws. He is immortal in the sense that he cannot ever completely die. However, he can be wounded, even to the point of death, and wounds must be "slept off" in order to heal - he doesn't heal on his own. Small cuts can be fixed in only a few hours, but a wound that might normally be considered 'lethal' would take days or even weeks to recover.

  2. #2
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

    Rayleigh's Avatar


    Rayleigh Aston
    Approved - direct transfer.

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