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  1. #1

    EXP: 2,785, Level: 2
    Level completed: 27%, EXP required for next Level: 2,215
    Level completed: 27%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,215



    Raising the Bar (Jacques Level 2)

    Level One profile is here

    Name-Jacques Alutris
    Age-Twenty Five
    Hair Color-Dark brown, appears black to some.
    Eye Color-Muted green.
    Height- Approximately six feet.
    Weight- Two hundred pounds, give or take a few.


    Jacques Alutris is but a simple man, who has spent his days in the streets and buildings of Radasanth. Indifferent to many world affairs, he yet spends his days wandering about, partaking in the delights that the city has to offer. A genial demeanour attracts people to him, as he performs cantrips on the wharf, and a smiling face shows no hints of a mean streak. He embraces his work wholeheartedly and with a zeal that is unexpected for a man of such few years. Not yet soured to reality, he awaits for his chance to fish up an adventure and get out into the universe, beyond the city he calls home.


    Jacques is a relatively young man, sitting comfortably at twenty five summers and counting. The sun, over the years, has tanned his skin a few shades and the smokey inns have given him a telltale odor of burning wood and fragrant incense. His hair sits on his head, neatly brushed up and to the side, sloping slightly. The rest of his body is rather lean, not horribly muscular, but still packing some punch. However, most of this is obscured by his regular garb of grey denim pants, cut just below the top of his plain combat boots. A well fitted white linen shirt adorns his top half, with an apron or such other article occasionally on top of that.


    Jacques Alutris was born to a relatively well off family in the heart of Corone’s bustling capital, Radasanth, to one James Alutris and a June Lustin Spending the majority of his days either in school, or helping with his father’s bar (The Bounding Tankard.) He lived in relatively peace, and occasional debt, for a good eleven years, before the Coalition decided to try their hand at taking over. For eight years, they managed to live a normal life, nothing truly changed. But two years ago, his father left for business, citing something about some rangers needing a new stock. Everybody assumed he had ditched the city and his wife, off to find another woman, and with that, he left his daughter and son. A letter sent in with a shipment from the harbor revealed a critical truth, his father had fled to join the Corone Rangers, and were to attempt freeing the state from the tyrannical hand of the Coalition. Jacques was shocked out of his ignorance, his assumption that his father had left for greener pastures rocked to the ground. Correspondence flew, and within a year, the bar was Jacques’s. With a business thrust in his arms, and his mother worrying all the time, it was left to Jacques and his sister (alongside her husband, a man named Guran) to run the tavern, as well as keep up with the world outside. Along with running his business, he has begun learning magic, unlocking his apparent innate abilities. A year has passed, and not much has happened. Correspondence with their father has since halted, and it’s presumed that he has been captured by the Coalition, but Jacques’s magical talents continue to grow.Within the space of a few months, Jacques has gotten himself caught up in a flurry of action with the Tarot, suddenly involving himself as the head of their business and diplomacy. Beyond even that, he’s become well acquainted with the scourge of Salvar’s House Bard, John and the Tarot Emperor, Vincent. Great things to come, and soon, it seems.


    Bartending-Jacques is a rather proficient bartender, having been aiding his father with his establishment for years, and has been helping at the bar and in the kitchen since the age of sixteen. Over the years, he’s gathered a decent reputation as a good drink-maker and cook.

    Smooth Talking-Over the year that Jacques has been tending his business, he’s learned a little bit of how to manage the talks of business and gotten a tad better at haggling, but is still a novice in the art.

    Bladed Fighting-Jaques is by far not a master, but has reasonable amounts of experience with daggers and swords. He would be able to hold his own in a fight if given one.


    Jacques has the ability to create and manipulate flame, although his talents are not very pinpoint.

    Inferno-Jacques summons a pillar of flame (Max of 4 per battle, or 6 per day) with a several foot wide radius at a certain spot within his line of sight. This pillar is able to inflict first degree burns, progressing into second degree if there is a fair amount of exposure. (Static, lasts 15 seconds)

    Aeromancy [Wind/Lightning]-
    Jacques has spent most of his time studying the art of aeromancy, and possesses a fair amount of skill in the area.

    Emittance of Force-Jacques is capable of conjuring a minor arc of lightning, enough to inflict stunning damage and catch clothing on fire. (Up to one minute of stunning, depending on resistance to such effects.)



    Sorcery-Jacques can manipulate raw arcane energy. While more risky than elemental magic, it is far more rewarding in terms of use.

    Telekinesis-Jacques is able to telekinetically lift objects weighing 40 lbs at a range of 25 feet. This ability can be used any number of times per day/battle.

    Runic Shielding-Jacques is able to generate shields up to three feet in diameter, taking up the appearance of blue glowing runes. These shields can absorb one strong attack or an equivalent amount of 2 medium-strength attacks or four weak attacks. (Strong attacks are considered those that are 2+ levels above Jacques. Medium attacks are considered Jacques’ level and the one above it. Weak attacks are considered those below Jacques’ level.) This is only able to be used twice per battle, and any further use will result in serious physical damage.

    Arcanic Quickening-Exposure to raw arcane has given Jacques speed equal to twice that of an average human. This allows him to run at speeds up to 30 mph (48 kph) and up to 45 mph (72 kph.) This also enables him to react at twice the speed of an average man.


    Iron Short Sword-Kept on shelf behind bar.
    Iron Dagger-Kept on belt.
    Traveling supplies-Kept in room next to kitchen, in locked chest.
    Book collection-Kept in room next to kitchen, on shelves.
    Dehlar dagger (Purchased here)
    Magim beast hide hauberk (Purchased here)

    Full Kitchen Stock (Meats, grains, spices, etc.)
    Full Bar Stock (Inexpensive wines, whiskies, some types of beer, mead, etc.)
    "By the gods, fear it, Laurence..."
    -Master Willem

  2. #2
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

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    Rayleigh Aston
    Approved - direct transfer.

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