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  1. #1

    EXP: 31,031, Level: 7
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 3,969
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,969


    Robert Bertrand

    I fite, therefore I am.

    Name: Sir John Albert Cromwell

    Nickname/Alias: Answers only to one of his given names.

    Age: 41

    Race: Human (Though it is said that Cromwell’s family has giant blood)

    Height: 7’8”

    Weight: 596 lb (265 Kg)

    Occupation: Expert smith, mercenary, Strength arcana of Tarot Hierarchy, fiter of men.

    Personality: A gruff but not unintelligent man, Cromwell considers talk to be cheap, and thus does not do much of it. He has no sympathy for those who do not work or earn a dishonest living. He does though, have sympathy for those who do their best but simply have less than the best of luck. Emotionally, John is a broken man, but hides it well under a facade. Of late, he has made a few friends in his travels, and has lightened up a little, and he smiles and jokes sometime as he used to, but he is still far from stable, and is prone to bouts of silence, preferring to seclude himself to Radasanth much of the time.

    John is very protective of those whom he considers friends, and will go to great lengths to ensure that they are not harmed, be that acting defensively or offensively.

    Most can find him at work in his forge on the outskirts of Radasanth.

    History: John’s history is best described in this thread, if you can get past my mechanics issues in it. If you’re just interested in the history, then it’s from about the middle of post 4 until the end.
    John's History.

    John, expelled from his home in Salvar, came across a pair of gauntlets while fleeing south. They bonded themselves to his skin when he donned them, and they have grown into an armor.

    Since this happening, John has needed to learn how to use weapons again. He has been helped by Vincent, Artemis, Shinsou, and Logan immensely in regaining his honor and skill. Jamie has grown into something more than just a friend, and commonly spends her non-working evenings at John’s place in Radasanth.

    Appearance: A rugged-looking, square-jawed, thickly-built man, John has a hard look about him most times, and golden stubble even more often than that. His eyes are bright blue, if you care to look past a mean squint. He is not a hateful man, he just sees more of the bad in the world than most others do. His hair is as golden as his beard and he’s started keeping it shorter, as it sometimes got in his way, and caught fire more than once.

    Quite simply, John is the largest man that he’s ever known of, aside from some of the older tales of House Cromwell. And an incredibly fat orc he once heard of. Elite optic is bigger, but he’s hardly a man in John’s mind.


    Expert Strategist: Having been trained as a noble, John has learned how to lead men, and how to control a battlefield for his advantage. He showed quite a knack for it in his younger years, but given his current situation, he rarely (if ever) gets the chance to command men.

    Still a lord of Salvar: Having received education and training among the noble houses of Salvar, John knows how to act in politically sensitive situations. This does not guarantee that he will act accordingly, as he has become headstrong in his exile.

    Has a voice after all: There is a distinctive and deep timbre to John’s voice that allows him to be recognized nearly anywhere (aside from his huge size).

    Master of weapons: John has been trained extensively as a noble of Salvar in their classic weapons, the longsword, greatsword, and other weapons of the sort. (NOTE: though John has a very good knowledge of these weapons and how to handle them in battle, John himself is incredibly clumsy with any weapon that isn’t formed of his armor, or covered with it.)

    Survivor: John knows how to survive in the wilderness. He can kill for food, make fire, and build shelter. Though this is no comfortable living, John can make it.

    Master of arms: John, having travelled far and wide across Althanas to seek out masters in the art of hand-to-hand combat, has conglomerated them into a style of his own, designed to take advantage of his size, strength and speed. There are many different sub-styles which adapt to different situations. He is nearly unrivaled in hand-to-hand combat.

    Blacksmith of renown (kinda): John is an excellent blacksmith, and has been known to forge pieces for nobles in Scara Brae and Corone. Despite this, John has little actual fame as a blacksmith, mostly because he mainly forges simple and useful pieces, and dislikes seeing a sword made of fine steel sit on a shelf collecting dust. John’s attempts at enchantment have borne fruit, and he is accomplished in the art of applying magical energies to weapons and armor, provided he has the time and correct materials.


    Powerful: John has trained his strength intensely, giving him increased physical power. (Strength 10x)

    Fast: John has learned to use his size to his advantage as he runs, and he can sprint short distances at 80 mph, at a jog he clocks around 45-50 mph (around 7x)

    Quick: John has had to hone his reflexes even further since abandoning traditional weapons in favor of his own arms and legs. As a result of this extensive training, John is able to react very quickly to the movements of others, as well as make movements in quick succession. (John could snatch a gold piece from your hand before you even realized it, if you were an average joe.).(around 7x)

    Scourge of House Band: It is said, in tales told to the children in parts of Salvar, that when John Cromwell took his revenge, massacring a large part of House Band, that he would not die, no matter what wounds he received. Now whether the legend followed John’s abilities, or his wounds have hardened him; the end result is the same. John can push through limits that weaker men would collapse under. Wounds like gashes and strikes to the body will not even slow him down, and he can fight with broken ribs, though the longer bones of the limbs would likely reduce his fighting ability by a significant amount after a while. It was said he had the willpower of four men. (endurance 8x)

    One with the earth: John can, whilst standing in one location, increase his endurance at the cost of his speed by growing tendrils made of armor into the earth, much like the roots of a tree. While in this state he is unable to move his legs. (immobile, +2xEND)

    Shield other: Once per thread/day, John can help an ally in danger of being harmed. If John can see an ally about to take a serious blow, he can intercept the blow. When activated, John teleports (short range, say 50 meters at most) to intercept the blow, taking the attack head on.

    Magical absorption: John has learned how to channel and mix the magic of his armor with magic from outside sources, producing different effects depending on the situation. Provided the spell will strike John on his armor, he can absorb the spell into his armor for a maximum of five minutes, after which it will dissipate. While this spell energy exists within him, he can channel it into one of three effects. He can only mix these energies twice per day/thread before it is exhausted, and any subsequent spell that strikes his armor will behave normally.

    Magical Absorption: Healing: John can channel an absorbed spell's energy into his body, using the magic to heal himself of a minor wound or heal the severity of a more major injury. Small cuts and bruises can be healed instantly, and larger cuts and broken bones will partially heal.

    Magical Absorption: Redirection: If a spell that John has absorbed has not faded completely, he can produce the energies from his armor in the same way he absorbed them. This ability redirects the spell absorbed at a target. If the redirection is immediate, the spell power is halved due to inefficiencies in the transfer and storage of these energies. The longer John waits to redirect a spell, the weaker the spell becomes, until it fades after five minutes.

    Magical Absorption: Charge: John can charge himself with the energy of an absorbed spell. For example, if John absorbs a lightning-based spell and charges his armor with it, attacks made for one post after this activation deal minor shock damage. The same effect goes for frost, fire, and other effects.

    Magical Destruction: John has learned, through some of his more foolish endeavors in the citadel, namely his fite with Shinsou vaan Osiris, the technique of destroying certain magical energies using the physical force of his fists. This works by striking quickly and powerfully such that there is a leading edge of a shockwave much like a sonic boom which compresses and provides a shield-like compression wave that destabilizes any magical energy that it comes into contact with. Naturally, this shockwave is extremely difficult to form, and dissipates only a few centimeters from his fist. The destabilized spell energy is released as force, sound, and light; and a sound like a thunderclap is released along with a flash of light. The move requires intense focus, and as such, John can really only perform this complex move about once per day.


    Armor (titanium strength, not for sale). John has little knowledge of the metal and magic of his armor, though his search for answers has always been a more practical one. The armor covers most of his body at rest, and can be extended with his will to come up to cover the rest of his form in a thin layer. It fits him like a second skin, like a seamless liquid metal coating his body under his clothes. John can ‘will’ his armor to take any shape he wishes, but he is limited by size and time, as larger changes to his armor will take longer. The armor has a fairly high immunity to temperature, which allows him, among other things, to work a white-hot forge without the need for gloves or protective gear.

    The Might of Moxxilus: A simple ring that once per day can be used to coat the user in a thick Jade-like stone to prevent all damage they would take that post. They are rendered immobile and have decreased senses, but cannot be injured or moved from their place. A last resort more than anything.

    A ring of fire: A simple ring that with a snap of John’s fingers will summon a cigar, and with a second snap will light it. This is mostly plot device.

    Ring of Floof: Created by the eccentric mage, Rabbitstooth, this ring allows the wearer to suddenly be covered in thick white fur. While this may indeed seem useless, it would help keep you warm on those cold nights, fantastic for costume parties and helps protect your skin from the sun. This lasts until the wearer wills it to stop, but can only be used once a day. Feel the floof!

    One massive Dehlar shield:

    Shield can be split into two large one-handed warhammers:

    I also forged a little intricate Damascus dagger which will soon be given to Fenn

  2. #2
    First Officer

    EXP: 34,480, Level: 7
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 520
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 520

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    Rayleigh Aston
    Approved - direct transfer.

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