((The last one was Level 9, so I guess this is level 10 update. Updates in RED. Also, I'm redoing some of the descriptions and shortening the history considerably because it was getting ridiculously and unnecessarily long.))

Basic Information:

Full name: Letho Ravenheart
Age: 41
Hair: dark brown, now visibly graying
Eyes: dark brown
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 240 lbs
Race: Human


Given his famous physical attributes, it is not surprising that Letho's physique is rather muscular and bulky. His shoulders are broad, his appendages packed tight with muscles, his hands large and his fingers meaty. His skin is mildly tanned and, if one were ever to see him without a shirt, marred with sporadic scars, telling the tale of a violent existence. He usually prefers denim and leather clothing, his favorite combination being a pair of worn dark blue pants, a shirt of matching color and a dark brown leather jacket. His attire is completed with a pair of leather boots, worn from all the miles and more often than not dusty to the point they look more gray than black.

His face is neither ugly nor handsome, neither young nor terribly old, but its aging sharp lines posses a certain kind of royal rigidity that women can find rather attractive. His thick beard and the matching moustache, now visibly graying, hide lips that grin more often than they smile. Below a bushy set of ever-frowning eyebrows, his dark brown eyes are keen and piercing, known to send lesser men scurrying from his path, especially if accompanied by his powerful, commanding baritone of his voice. His hair is long enough to be held back from his forehead by a bandana, but not necessarily unkempt.


Letho is not a particularly cheerful man. His life being a series of extreme ups and downs, he tends to spend more time brooding over the repurcussions of the bad times than reminiscing about the good old days. He can often be found with an unfocused gaze cast towards some distant point, lost in his own thoughts which he seldom shares with others. Once he's focused, though, he is relatively slow to anger, but once the right buttons are pushed his wrath can be terrifying, his will and determination unyielding. In case of a battle, he seems almost relentless and intrepid, but seldom reckless and uncalculated. His courage, though sometimes bordering with madness, is not of the boisterous kind, making him pound his chest and speak everyone of the deeds done and deeds that should be done. Instead he’s the silent thunder, opting to be a doer instead of a talker. He rarely makes friends, but once he does, he tends to treat them almost like a family, ready to go to any lengths to protect them. His sense of humor, if there is in fact any, is often dark and sarcastic.

Weapons and accessories:

Blade of the Judicator – It was told that this adamantine sword was forged by the gods themselves at the Dawn of Time so that when the Time of Destruction commences, it would be used to judge the mortals. Because of that the blade was given countless enchantments, including the ability to eradicate a person from existence completely. However, as it turned out, the blade didn’t fall into the hands of the gods, but rather in the hands of Myrhianna Bastillien, and given the fact that she's dead, the powers are locked forever. Letho can wield the blade, but it is and it will always be just an adamantine sword to him. The blade itself is rather plain looking, though perfectly balanced to a fraction of an inch. The hilt is shaped as a wing of an angel on one side and a demon on the other side. On the bottom of the hilt is a figure of a young girl holding a large blade on top of a high tower. ((Awarded here))

Titanium Dagger – At first this weapon was merely used for cutting binds and skinning wild animals, but with time Letho learned how to use it both in close quarters situations and as a ranged weapon. As all his weapons, it is always kept clean and sharpened, hanging around his waist. ((picture))

Dehlar Gunblade “Lawmaker” – This six foot titan amongst the weapons is something that Letho manufactured himself (with the help of a local Bazaar blacksmith). The base of this weapon is a 14mm hunting rifle with effective range of some 300 meters. The bullets for this weapon cost twice as much in the Bazaar. Also, because of the large caliber the weapon has a monster recoil, making it impossible for a person to fire the weapon unless he is thrice as strong as a normal human. The new reloading mechanism installed on the gunblade ((received here)) erased all the defects of the weapon and increased its capacity to six bullets. This weapon is approximately 6 feet long and its ebony wooden parts are decorated with silver (does not increase the weapons value).

However, due to Letho's tendency to get into melee a whole lot, this weapon was merged with a massive dehlar blade that stretches below the rifle, from the gunpoint to the trigger. Needless to say, Letho is possibly the only person that can wield this weapon effectively. On the side of the massive dehlar blade there is an imprint that reads “Lawmaker”. ((picture))

Ulder and Cyper Composite Longbow – Though the merchant in Radasanth told Letho that this bow was made by the elves, Letho isn’t certain that that’s the whole story. The massive composite wood is not usual for the usually gallant elves and the fact that it takes almost inhuman strength to use this bow at full efficiency only adds to the superstition that some of the barbaric tribes of Salvar had their fingers in the creation of this bow. Letho currently has five cyper arrows with steel tips.

Titanium Breastplate – This is another piece of Savion that keep sticking with Letho no matter what. The plate lost most of its royal decorations making it rather unremarkable. Letho usually wears it underneath his shirt. The sheen of the metal isn’t very helpful when you’re trying to make your way through the countryside unseen. Only a faint shape of a wolf howling on the moon can be seen on the chest of the plate.

Ganutlets – with Letho’s increase in strength, this piece of armor turned in a devastating bludgeon weapon. On top of that, Letho upgraded them with a set of talons that pop up at the squeeze of the fist. The two gauntlets are somewhat different though.

Left Gauntlet – this gauntlet is made out of dragonscale that Letho got after slaying a maddened dragon in Hadia. The gauntlet has an ability to block 50 percent of magical damage if the gauntlet is placed in front of the attack in time. This amount is upgradeable and depends on the level of the opponent. For every level below his, Letho gains an extra 5 percent of magic immunity. But for every level above his, he loses 10 percent of the immunity. The talon in this gauntlet is made out of dragon bone, though its strength is only as strong as dehlar. ((picture, without the colorful decoration)). Furthermore, Letho is now able to create an anti-magic spherical field around himself. This sphere negates the same percentage of magic (or magic-controlled) attacks as his gauntlet and is some ten feet in diameter.

Right Gauntlet – this gauntlet is much more plain and common looking, with the talon made out of damascus. ((picture))

Talons look alike and are curved inwards, making their jagged edges a powerful weapons in hand-to-hand combat. ((picture, Letho has one, not two, on each hand))

The Horn of the Chimera – Letho acquired this horn during one of his first adventures outside the kingdom of Savion. The horn is finely carved and decorated with the silver insignia of a wolf howling at a full moon, but has no abilities other than that it allows the blower to turn the attention onto himself on the battlefield. ((picture))

“Midnight Fidelity” – Midnight Fidelity is a completely black pegasus, tamed and quite fond of Myrhia.

A peculiar key – This golden key was slipping into Letho’s pocket by an unknown soldier for unknown purposes after his battle with Seth Dahlios over a woman. Letho doesn’t know what the key is for at the present time. ((Awarded here, cannot be sold))

Ornate full plate mail – made out of extremely tough Cillu glass, this armor was given to Letho by Jya as a gift for the services he did for the Fallien kingdom. As hard and as light as mythril, this armor looks as if it was made out of scarlet dragonscales. It is consisted of a scale mail that covers the torso, a pair of pauldrons, a pair of combat boots, greaves and a helmet.
Scarlet Cape – usually worn with his Ornate Plate Mail, this cape was a gift from Jya as well. It is embroidered with a large phoenix symbol. ((both items recieved here))

Tears of the Nameless Maiden – this statuette is about a foot high and it’s made out of pure gold. It depicts a young maiden caught in a moment of agony, holding a porcelain vessel in her hands. ((received here))

Vorpal Sword – this peculiar weapon has the ability to shift into any shape its owner wishes, whether it’s a miniscule dagger or a massive battleaxe. The enchanted metal from which it is made is as hard as mythril. ((bought here))

Nihon/Prevalida Spear – a rather simple, but deadly polearm. ((awarded here))

Iron Revolver – Letho got this weapon when fighting a crazed vampire named Kedx during the torching of Underwood. ((Completely forgot to add this thing when I got it, acquired it waaay back here))

Dragonscale Tower Shield – this shield is made of dragonscale and is shaped roughly like an outstretched wing of a dragon. The bottom edges of the shield are sharpened so they could be used as a weapon in dire circumstances. The shield possesses the ability to soak magic and reflect a percentage of it back at the caster. Right now it can reflect 50% of the magic that strikes it, while the other 50% dissipates. Also, the shield is practically impervious to being enchanted (both positively and negatively). However, it has a tendency to overheat if too much magic strikes it and will eventually crack and need to be repaired. ((Acquired here))

Dehlar/Adamantine/Icemold Warhammer “Victorious” – This magnificent weapon was given to Letho as a reward for winning The Cell. The weapon itself is some four and a half feet long and can be wielded by two hands or one hand if the wielder has enough strength. Both the head and the shaft of the weapon are made of dehlar, giving it extraordinary weight. Dehlar is then coated in several layers adamantine, making it virtually indestructible. The head of the weapon, covered with ancient runes that mean “Victorious” in the language of the First Men, is dull on one side and ends in a spike on the other. The spike is coated in icemold, and should the icemold melt or break (as it's known to do), it does not regenerate.((picture))

Your Own Device - A box-shaped item with a single button. When that button is pressed, the user is trapped in an indestructible square prison for exactly two minutes. Nothing whatsoever can pass through the barrier, not even oxygen. Usable once per thread.((Acquired in the Auction House))


Legendary Parry – With all the swordfights the exiled prince was during his time in Althanas, it was only natural that he finally mastered the art of parrying the blows. His parries are now clinically precise and perfectly timed, enabling him to predict and intercept the incoming attacks with ease, even from multiple foes. He's not untouchable in a meelee, but pretty damn close.

Legendary Weaponmaster – Given the number of battles Letho was in and the number of times he had to improvise and use whatever weapon was handy at the time, Letho’s skill at wielding of most melee weapons became legendary.

Advanced nature knowledge – A little piece of his ranging skills that remain from his training mostly turned into knowledge of how to stay alive and not starve from death in wilderness. He's now able to track larger animals and groups of people, and conceal himself relatively well in the wilderness using camoflauge and terrain.

Healing – With all the perils and injuries he and Myrhia encountered, Letho, whether he wanted it or not, elevated this skill to a significant height. He is now able to heal pretty much any serious non-lethal wound. Though he is not aware of it, those healed by him witness there is something magical in his touch that eases the pain and helps the healing process. He can now douse the pain completely and bring comfort to the wounded, making his treating of the wound nearly completely painless. Additionally, Letho can now heal major wounds and stop the bleeding of mortal wounds merely by making physical contact and concentrating. This, however, has no effect on him and he can only use it on others.

Brawler – Never really studying the art of hand to hand combat Letho never had a specific style while fighting unarmed. However, during the numerous battles that he encountered, he developed his own fighting style. It focuses mostly on his prime attribute, strength, and even though Letho can pull out most of the simpler kicks and can do a good one-two combo with his hands, he is more apt to tackle his opponent, throw him onto the ground or pulverize him with a single punch. This kind of a fighting style severely lacks finesse, but is dangerous in close ranges since Letho can pack quite a punch and take his share of them.

Righteous Might - This power was awaken in Letho during assassination of Carlton Mueller, when Letho was facing seven evil Scara Brae royal guards. Following the same principles as his "Rage", "Righteous Might" gives Letho a great increase in strength and agility, but it allows him the control and focus on his enemies. His muscles once again grow in size, but this time his eyes are completely white and there is an ivory aura around him. Encountering many foes during his wandering through Althanas, this skill became practically indispensable to Letho and he uses it whenever Myrhia and he are in great danger. Because of the often usage of it, he was able to tap into even more power that empowered him even further. When he is using this skill, it now makes him five times stronger and four times as fast as usual. He is no longer limited by time while using this skill. On top of that, while before his power grew with every foe he struck down, now it grows with the damage he inflicts whether on a single foe or a number of them.

Weapon throwing – Though during his training as a Savion prince he never really learned much about this form of warfare, during his perils in the brave new world Letho found extreme usage of throwing weapons at his opponents. Whether it was his heavy sword, Myrhia’s spear or a dagger, he now excels in throwing pretty much any kind of weapon. However, due to the nature of the weapons he thrown most of the time (his heavy sword or his dagger) his aim is good only at shorter ranges, though even at longer distances he is far better than an average human.

The Gift of Chodan – with the royal blood coursing through his veins, Letho has discovered his mystic connection with his deity, Chodan, and through that connection the wolf god offered his aid to the proud warrior in the form of two dire wolves. These feral beasts with silver fur and two six inch canines hanging from their upper yaw, answer only to Letho through telepathic connection, and he can listen to their thoughts just as they can listen to his own. The wolves are embodiment of two great warriors, Orud and Ylime, and their eyes burn with eternal red flames. The two wolves differ; Orud being the male has superior strength, while Ylime as female has superior agility. Their bodies are summoned from the eternal plane to which they return if they are unsummoned or killed. They share all the vulnerabilities of the normal wolves save one; they know no fear. Physically, the wolves are superior to the mundane beasts of the same kind in every aspect, starting from their size since they reach up to Letho’s waist when standing on all four. Their physical attributes are four times that of a normal wolf quest purposes Letho can summon them for as long as he wishes, but once he unsummons them or if they are destroyed an hour must pass before he can summon them again. For battle purposes he can summon the beasts once per battle for fifteen minutes and he cannot summon them again if they are killed, the time passes or he unsummons them.

((OOC: Keep in mind there is a catch placed by a mod that says that if a person I am questing with disapproves the infinite summon lasting time during the quest, the summon only lasts just as long as it does in the battle))

The Blood of Chodan – Consuming the blood of one of the Chodanites, Letho was given the ability to change into what is known in Savion as the Cursed Form. However, in most documents it is described as a War Form since the power in that form is immense and next to unstoppable. In his War Form Letho resembles the shape of a werewolf, though his muscles grow to a size no werewolf could ever even imagine. During the transformation all the hair on Letho’s body is perfectly silver, almost as if every thread was dipped into liquid silver and left to dry. Unlike Tayotihua’s transformation in which she loses her armor, the accessories that Letho carries during the transformation meld into his skin and bodily features, growing into his body. However this does not include weapons, since the only weapon Letho is able to use in his War Form are his claws and fangs. Keep in mind that unlike werewolves, Letho doesn’t need the moon in order to transform, but rather can transform at any time. He can use this ability only once a day and once he changes back his body is almost completely drained. The transformation can last for as long as he wishes in quests (12 hours max, given the fact that other participants agree to this contemplation, if not then the battle limits stand) and only for five minutes in battles. It takes Letho about 5 seconds to transform from human to his War Form and the roar that he lets out makes the ground in his vicinity quake and crack as if it there was a powerful earthquake. In his War Form Letho’s physical attributes grow to amazing height, making him six times stronger and faster than usual. However, this power comes with a cost, since in his War Form his nature is extremely volatile and there is a good possibility that both friend and foe become a victim of his attacks (except Myrhia and Tayotihua which are the only ones that need not fear his bestial rage). On top of everything, in his War Form Letho is granted the limited power of regeneration that is able to heal major wounds and survive mortal wounds, albeit not without being crippled by them.

Temporal distortion – Letho now exists in two separate dimensions. In one he is a middle aged Guardian of Savion with Tayotihua as his wife and two children. In the other he is a young wanderer with Myrhia as his lover. The two can never meet each other, if one sells an item, they both lose it. ((Awarded here))

Uncanny Projectile Blocking – Letho took his ability to parry to a whole new level and can now block incoming projectiles with his blade. There are some prerequisites though. The weapon in his hands has to be a longsword at the very least. Also, because of the focus needed, Letho can’t use this skill when severely injured or exhausted. NOTE: This is not an ultimate skill. Letho can’t block every projectile, especially if there is a myriad of them coming at him, and especially if they are coming from multiple directions. This skill merely states that he can block projectiles in certain situations. ((Awarded here))

Magic Devourer: Being violently torn from magic after channeling vast amounts of it over the years of his madness, Letho’s body became a wound in the fabric of magical energy. All types of magic (be it conjuration, evocation, illusion, enchantment, manipulation or just about anything else magical) cease to exist in his close proximity (a three foot radius). This includes positive effects of magic as well, so Letho cannot be healed or aided by magical means, but excludes his ability to transform as it is derived from his blood and not magic. For quest purposes this is a constant effect, but for battles he can summon it for one minute before he is susceptible to magic attacks again. ((Acquired here))


Letho’s prime attribute was always sheer brutal strength and with the amount of perils and fights, it now reached new heights, making his six times as strong as a normal human. Beside the exceptional strength, his stamina and dexterity are twice that of a normal human. Once a prince of Savion, Letho was educated by the wisest mentors and therefore his wisdom is high as well, allowing him to assess the situations and provide the best course of action. His intelligence goes hand in hand with his wisdom, but both are more or less mostly linked to his battle prowess. In short, he’s not a dumbass, but not as smart as your next door wizard.

History, finally abridged:

Born in the faraway archipelago of Audelas - the Seven Isles - Ruben "Letho" Ravenheart was destined for great things. As the first and only child of king Agraus and queen Ferathiel of Savion, prince Ruben was born into life of leisure and luxury to be the next ruler once his Age of Maturity comes and his father relinquishes his power. For that purpose he was tutored and trained by the best in the land to one day become worthy of the crown his father wore. He excelled in his training, naturally - a prince could ill afford not to - and when time came, he won his knighthood just as his father had before him and his father before him.

At the celebration of Letho finally becoming a knight and a man, the remaining six kings of the kingdoms of Audelas gathered to gift the young prince for his coming of age. Of all the gifts presented, that of king Ethiep of Cenyth shone the brightest, for to the prince he offered the hand of his beloved daughter. However, young and foolish as he was, Ruben rejected lady Trirea, publically confessing his love for a peasant girl named Kristiniel. This rejection tore the alliance between the seven kingdoms asunder, sparking turmoil throughout the Seven Isles. The Dram barbarians, ever the enemies of Audelas, noted the dissent between the kingdoms and sensed it was their time to attack. One by one the kingdoms fell, solitary in the Dram onslaught. Savion was the last to fall, but fell it did just like the rest, in fire and blood.

The war took everything from Ruben "Letho" Ravenheart, both his royal family that had rejected him and his peasant family which welcomed him. Most importantly, the Dram took Kristiniel from him, murdering both the woman and child she bore in her womb. Letho was taken captive, but the ship that was supposed to take him into the barbaric lands in the North was caught in a storm and he would up shipwrecked on the shores of Scara Brae. A lone, broken shell of a man, his homeland destroyed and overtaken by the barbarian horde, Letho began his wandering days. He cast away his birthname Ruben, the honorable name of his grandfather, deeming himself unworthy. But he kept the name his mother gave him, an endearment that in the native tongue of Savion meant "little wolf".

Those were the days of woe and laughter and adventure, for the world had all of those in abundance and Letho traveled most of the world. He met Karel Raven on one of his travels, and fast became friends with the swordsman. He met Tayotihua Linn Runehand on one of his travels as well, and fast became lovers with the elf. He met Storm Veritas on one of his travels, and fast became enemies with the varlet. He met Godhand Striker on one of his travels, and fast became... acquainted with the mercenary. He met Seth Dahlios on one of his travels, and fast became a... Well, what Seth and Letho had turned out to be was a discussion better left for scholars and historians. But in the land of Scara Brae he met Myrhianna Bastillien, a slave to a cruel master, and finally felt love again.

He freed the girl from her shackles, slaying her master, and from that point on the two were inseparable. Myrhia was everything he was not, vibrant, optimistic, naive, merry, a stark contrast to his gloom. Thus the wandering days became adventuring days, and joy slowly started to outweigh the sadness in their lives. Like all couples, they had their ups and downs, their highs and their lows, their days of love and days of distance. And when their feet finally grew weary of traversing the globe, they finally decided to settle in a small place in Corone called Willowtown.

Letho, ever fighting the injustice in the world around him, soon became a Lawman, a Marshal in service of the Corone Rangers. With each feat he achieved in the name of justice, his fame grew, the words of his exploits spreading across the land until he became the unofficial champion of the common folk. The truth was, naturally, far more mundane. Letho Ravenheart merely did his job and did it the best he could, but for every foe he slain, the common storyteller counted three and soon enough he was the Hero of Corone.

Because of his fame it was understandable that, when war came to Corone, the folk turned to him for guidance. Letho accepted the responsibility readily, leading the rebellion against the tyranny of the newly formed Corone Empire. But during the campaign something happened that finally broke the spine of the legendary swordsman. Myrhianna, his bastion of hope in a world going to hell one battle at a time, the heart of his heart, died giving birth to his daughter, Lorelei.

The loss drove Letho at the brink of madness. Leaving his newborn daughter in the custody of the Gray Monks, he carried Myrhia's corpse halfway across the land to the high clerics of the Church of Draconus, demanding they resurrect his love. And when the priests didn't help him, telling him she was too far gone, he slew them where they stood and set the Church on fire. And even though Myrhia's body was turned to ashes by those flames, Letho refused to give up. He went to the necromancers next, casting away his righteousness and his pride as he started to study their dark arts. Ten years he spent with the necromancers, driven by their promise of power that would be able to bring back his love, but in time Letho realized the necromancers didn't have the power to revive her. For Myrhianna wasn't merely dead. For some reason, her soul was trapped in the Underworld, bound to it by a spell even the necromancers couldn't undo.

His mind almost completely gone, Letho murdered the necromancers and set out on one final journey. On the Tempus Island, the Time Mages held the strings of time in their grasp and he meant to force them to turn the temporal tide and return it to the point when Myrhia was alive. When the Mages refused to share their secrets, he attacked them and tortured the truth out of them. Women, children, it didn't matter to him anymore. They were all destroyed by his wrath and his blind quest for the unobtainable.

It was his family that came to snatch him from the brink of oblivion, his daughter and his friends that he used to hold in such high regard. Lorelei Ravenheart, now 13 years old and just as determined as her old man, was accompanied by Seth Dahlios and Karel Raven to Tempus Island where they confronted the remnants of the great Letho Ravenheart. And in a battle that nearly claimed all of their lives, they managed to push away his darkness and reopen his eyes. With the aid of his friends he was able to see the futility of his quest and finally start on a new path. He no longer searched to resurrect Myrhianna. Instead, he searched to end her suffering and release her soul from the torment of the Underworld.