Even with Storm's magnetic abilities narrowing down the scope of the search, there was still an incredible amount to do.

The electromancer stood eyeing the piles of wreckage sullenly, and Shinsou began the stomach-churning task of sifting through what remained of Whitevale. Though he was practiced at keeping his emotions in check, the Telgradian found the process harder than he imagined. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of utensils and keepsakes, pieces of jewellery and children's toys. As brick dust, ash, and whatever else from the rubble blew onto him, the swordsman's eyes flitted from item to item, seeking even a modicum of Arius's trail whilst his mind reminded him that each one he looked at was a life extinguished; a veritable, tangible proof of their failure.

The gruesome work went on for hours, and continued even as the weather turned on them. Menacing, cumbersome clouds unleashed rain that pounded ground zero, mixing the debris and the blood of the victims into an awful, foul swill that sloshed around Shinsou's boots. As this awful soup ate at his senses and sanity, hundreds more items were checked and set aside in mounds through the awful stench that now filled the air. The only advantage that the Telgradian had was that he knew what he was looking for; everything else about this was soul destroying.

Eventually, after an age, Shinsou Vaan Osiris dragged himself up the final pile of wreckage. Judging from the positioning of himself compared the outer wall, which had remained relatively intact, the Telgradian guessed he was now near the living quarters for the general staff. This was confirmed by a sudden change in the material being sifted through - torched journals, sodden and torn war diaries and shattered bottles of expensive brandy and port. There were twisted remains of wrought iron bed-frames, bloodstained book-cases not completely destroyed in the attack and the charred remains of what looked like personal weapons; crossbows, daggers and...

What's that?

There, in the corner of his eye. At the edge of the pile, something jutted out, half buried by blackened paper and torn fabric. It could have easily been missed, but something about this stuck pins in the back of his brain. Shinsou slowly walked over, almost stumbling over the uneven mound of ruins, and surely enough his senses began to tingle as he outstretched his palm and wrapped his cold fingers around the item. He realised immediately that he was holding the grip of a blade. The object didn't move at first, and only by the Telgradian wrestling it away from the debris did it come loose and pull free.

It was a sword. Not just any sword either.

"I like your sword. I'm keeping it."

As he held the double edged blade aloft, Shinsou remembered those last words he had ever said to Canen. They had been spoken before he had sent the Khaian off to the detention block to keep him "safe", just before Arius dissolved his host body and fled. Now, all that remained of him was this sword, 'The Valiance' as Canen had named it. The Telgradian had entirely forgotten that he even had it in his quarters, a sword that Arius had touched whilst in possession of the dead Khaian's body.

The radiation he felt from the shining volak blade was unmistakable, and not only that, it was strong; it pulsed in waves, a beacon to him.

As he turned to face Storm, who had followed behind, Shinsou could already tell that his friend knew.

"It was the last thing Arius physically touched. I forgot I had it, up until now."

Not wanting to waste a moment more, the Telgradian closed his eyes. He shut out the beating of his heart and the staccato drumming of the rain on metal and wood, and reached out with his senses as far as he could. Rivulets of water poured over the skin on his face as Shinsou's senses flowed over Corone. Tylmerande, Radasanth, the coasts, Underwood...


His forehead creased as he felt a pinch in his stomach. The feeling matched that emanating from Canen's sword, creating a resonating wave of nausea deep within his gut. Shinsou checked again, desperate to be sure, and as he reached into Underwood once again he found the match he was looking for.

He slowly opened his eyes to find his closest friend staring at him, his blue eyes silently urging him for information. Shinsou had seen everything clearly, and he knew.

"Underwood. He's in Underwood, and judging from his position he's moving towards Tylmerande. There's no mistaking it."

Shinsou's eyes narrowed as he looked down at the Valiance. It had provided them answers at a time when they needed it most, and he was thankful. Perhaps it wasn't just a subtle irony that Canen's own sword would be the key that not only helped avenge his death, but all those who had died at Arius's hands.

Perhaps it was fate.