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  1. #1
    Ride The Lightning

    EXP: 166,794, Level: 17
    Level completed: 83%, EXP required for next Level: 3,206
    Level completed: 83%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,206

    Storm Veritas's Avatar


    Storm Veritas
    The night time interruption conjured an odd blend of feelings. Fear blended with anger, annoyance danced with confusion. A handful of trained trackers had followed the duo into the woods, and attacked in what should have been the dead of night. Shinsou acted reflexively, a Telgradian automaton of death that lacked any hint of hesitation or humanity. Killing was second nature to them; whomever had been sent to kill them clearly had no idea what they were getting into.

    The gentle whisper of lightly brushed leaves behind Storm alerted him in spite of the louder crackles of wood breaking on the fire. An iron-tipped arrow was already pointed at Storm, who simply focused on the metal head with his manipulative waves. The arrow fired as he stared at it, and against the apparent laws of physics, the projectile bent an impossibly hard loop around the magician before returning from whence it came, burying the studded head deep through the chest of its shocked shooter. His attackers' eyes moved their fixation from him towards infinity, a gaze that was not returned by the furious wizard.

    Don't kill them all. Need to question them.

    Two of the tracker's running mates followed ten yards back on either side of him, moving forward in the darkness with their bows drawn, operating in disbelief of what they had just seen. Storm couldn't focus on both of them at once, but presumed with their respective fear, he wouldn't have to. Without a word, Storm raised his hand towards the man more on his right side. A horrifying, arcing blast of white and blue boomed, incinerating everything in its path, burning through some light tree branch cover before essentially vaporizing the ill-intended arrow and rendering its master to little more than char, smoke, and stink. A residual, secondary flicker of electricity trailed from the primary target to his brethren, individual tendrils taking root on his belt, teeth, and weapon.

    "Shinsou, one more for you." Storm spoke flatly towards his left, the obvious stated for the sake of it while he knew the last assailant was to be short work. The third attacker was merely stunned, and Storm pounced, a leopard both silent and unforgiving. His freshly sharpened blade was tested and found sufficient, carving clean through fingers to remove a grip from a bow at the knuckle. Blood bubbled on the felled soldier, and Storm offered an open-handed slap to attempt to shake to life his attacker, in hopes of questioning him.

    Shit. I ruined my plaything.

    The lack of responsiveness was telling, as was the inability of his prey to howl at the loss of at least two fingers. The indirect blast was too much, likely bursting the heart within his chest. A quick pivot, and he saw Vaan Osiris standing over a fifth and final hunter, a man who looked prepared to track rabbits and stumbled upon the dragons.

    Storm felt his heart racing; nostrils flared and hands fixed around knives like extensions of his wrists. His body was older now, but as lethal as ever, and it would take him time to relax. He felt sweat pouring on his skin chill him as the wind began to gently whip through the woods. It was too easy. Why had this happened?

    "So I guess we're not questioning them, then?" Storm's smile was facetious; the speed of the whole attack little more than second nature for them.

    "I was hoping you'd have the general sense to keep one alive." Shinsou's retorted sarcasm was appreciated; there was a time where the TelGradian lacked such awareness. His words were more spit than spoken, a facetious nature serving as a slightly awkward break from the tension. "Besides, these guys were complete jokes; only Arius would dare come at us here, but this wasn't anything that he could have hoped would take us down."

    Storm was determined for a moment not to appear stupid; he fought his inclination to speak and instead thought for a few moments. After a brief spot of reflection, he turned back to the fire, letting the orange light kiss his face as he used a cloth from his satchel to clean his hands. His eyes widened and voice quickened towards his dear friend.

    "Scout team, then. I'm sure my little light show tipped off the second team. They're probably riding out back to Arius. If we can get to the horses quickly enough, we might be able to catch them and trail straight to that bald prick."

    "Easy." Shinsou smiled back, clenching his hands overhead as he stretched his back. "We can't race into the mouth of the lion. Let's stick to it, drawn him out, and set the stage for ourselves this time."

    The heat rubbing his face, an uneasiness rolled in the stomach of the electromancer again. Was it possible that they could actually get the jump on Arius? Was he committing himself to chase down his own death?

    Storm Veritas quietly put on a false brave face, gazing at the flames as he re-sheathed his daggers. A wry nod was all he would offer, choosing instead to listen as they walked back to the horses. Camp would have to be made elsewhere tonight.
    Last edited by Storm Veritas; 01-14-2021 at 09:03 AM.

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