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  1. #1

    EXP: 200, Level: 1
    Level completed: 10%, EXP required for next Level: 1,800
    Level completed: 10%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,800

    Raydin Vermillion's Avatar


    Raydin Vermillion

    Raydin Vermillion

    Name: Raydin Vermillion
    Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Height: 6' 1"
    Weight: 140 lbs.
    Occupation: Blood-thief

    Appearance: Of not very imposing stature, appears lanky and spindly to the trained eye. The untrained eye might instead focus on his perpetual condescending smirk. Pale complexion and bad skin give him the air of a much older and much less likable man. Tired misty-grey eyes and a crinkly, crooked nose give him the appearance of being unceasingly disgusted with the people around him. Neither intelligent nor streetwise, his strong beliefs are seldom backed up by much thought. His few friends would note that he never undons his signature large, wine-red hat. Wears a matching crimson leather coat, veiling his unimpressive physique in mystery and flair.

    Personality: Roguish, standoffish, of questionable moral standing. Unabashedly condescending and impish. His cool and reserved exterior contrasts his rich interior monologue. Uses extensive soliloquy to judge and berate those he deems lesser. Contradicts himself and his values often, should it allow him to feel superior to those around him.

    History: Brought up firmly middle-class, his mother’s hostile attitude led Raydin to leave Gisela in search of purpose and emotional reprieve. His callous and flippant attitude invited part-time stints doing the dirty work for morticians, undertakers, and the occasional underground surgeon. It was there that Raydin was introduced to the semi-legal blood-thief profession, often referred to as ‘mosquitos’ by the ill-informed and superstitious masses. Blood-thieves provide the invaluable service of supplying paying customers with rare, sought-after blood-types or blood of otherwise desirable origin or quality. Be it a distraught family in dire need of transfusion for their illness-ridden matriarch born with a scarcely encountered blood-type, or be it a deranged villain in carnal exigency for virginal ichor, blood-thieves are a vital cog in the economical moloch connecting customer and product.

    Syringesmanship: Many years of slicing, dicing, and drawing blood made Raydin into a respectable combatant and emergency coconut milk-extractor.
    Intimidation: His cold demeanor and large, spindly build give him a grim reaper-like appearance, boosting his intimidation factor.
    Sneaking: Due to the dubious legality of his profession, Raydin had to learn to remain outside the gaze of prying eyes.

    Speed 1.5x:
    Agility 1.5x: The rush of sampling fresh new product sends Raydin's mind into hyper-fixation, allowing for especially dextrous movement at sprightly pace. His increased Speed and Agility remain until the immediate context in which blood was drawn changes or 5 minutes have elapsed. In a pinch and only employed rarely, Raydin may relive the memory of a particular blood sampling by indulging into his blood vial stash tucked inside his coat. Induced in this manner, his state of increased physical prospect may only last one minute.
    Stealth 1.75x: His years evading the guard and patrols have taught Raydin the advantages of not rousing suspicion. By remaining unmoving and hiding his human features under his oversized hat and coat, his unassuming silhouette allows Raydin to effectively evade suspicion and detection by those not privy to his sly ways.

    - Twin oversized syringe-knives: Hollow, pointy-tipped, thin knives that are hydraulically activated by pulling a quick-release trigger allow drawing and depositing of blood or other liquids from the syringe tip into vials stashed inside Raydin’s oversized coat via translucent tubing.
    - Pointy red hat
    - Oversized red coat
    - Thirty-six empty blood vials connected to syringe-knives attached to the inside of his coat
    Last edited by Raydin Vermillion; 01-06-2021 at 05:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Hey Raydin, welcome to Althanas!

    Thanks for posting this up. Just a couple of follow up questions before we press the button.

    With your abilities, there are no problems with the actual buffs themselves but i'll need a little more clarification. For example, are these abilities passive (i.e are they constantly active)? If not, how are they activated and how long do they last for?

    With Stealth in particular, please can you confirm how this works? Is this invisibility, or some sort of camo?

  3. #3

    EXP: 200, Level: 1
    Level completed: 10%, EXP required for next Level: 1,800
    Level completed: 10%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,800

    Raydin Vermillion's Avatar


    Raydin Vermillion
    Hi Shinsou,
    Thanks a ton, I edited the above according to your notes.

  4. #4
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Thanks for clearing that up. You are now approved and I've added your starting 200 GP to your account.

    Have fun!

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