After the first quick clash the pair circled again, and Morigan kept firing off thrusts to keep William on his back foot, and test his defenses. William once again parried a thrust from Morigans spear, and pushed forward passing the spear’s tip, and drove his elbow into Morigans face.

Morigan rolled with the hit, and with the back end of his spear butted William in the back of the head sending him sprawling forward. Then he thrust at William with its head, but a blind swing from William deflected it.

The fight went on, lasting quite a bit longer than any other before it, and both of the competitors were beginning to tire. Once again Morigan thrust was met with a deflection driving his spear to the ground, William pressed his knee against it causing its head to snap off.

William grabbed the broken end, and struck Morigan in the chin with it, and Morigan hit the ground flat on his back, his hand cupping his nose that was gushing blood, and low guttural growl came from his mouth.

And my blood ran cold…

The bitter lady’s lips contorted into an undignified smile and she said “I think you will be emptying out my chamber pots.” And sauntered off.

I knew that there could still be an up set, but I was counting on the reach of Morigan’s spear to still win the day, but sometimes things don’t go your way, and I was over a barrel.

William chuckled, and stepped towards Morigan asking “Do you yield?”

Morigan mumbled something under his hand, but William couldn’t understand, and took a step forward, and asked “Do you yield?”

Morigan’s hand left his face, his nose broken, and a smile across his face, and snarled “Like hell!!” and drove the heel of his boot into William. William let out a loud groaning expulsion of air, somewhere between a scream, a sigh.

Morigan then kicked the inside of William’s knee; William would never be able to walk right after that. William fell on his side grasping his knee moaning in such fantastic pain it was almost fascinating.