Philomel watched the human-ish's eyes travel down, the startling green dropping down to the faun's abdomen and coming to rest where that small but noticeable bump now was. How long had it been now - four, maybe five months, give or take some lord and viscount clients. Philomel had thought herself to be alone one this trip, hence not taking time to wear exceptionally baggy clothes, and instead she had on her more usual cotton blouse and material wrap for a short skirt. Her natural fur covered her goat legs enough.

Uneasily, she ran a hand through her locks, patting her horn almost in an uncomfortable way as Flamey-birdy spoke.

Did she have anything to do with birds? Definitely there was fire in her hair and personality, but she wasn't flighty, she couldn't fly ...

Ugh, Philomel muttered, stroking Veridian briefly before she smiled nervously.

"Uh, yeah, uh. Both of us. Yeah Veridian is healthy ..."

Although that was completely not what Flamebird meant. And Philomel knew it. With a sigh she patted her stomach. "Yes, I'm in the family way. It's ... Complicated. I have no idea who the father is and have no idea how it happened. I use a method of contraception that's been working for me for years and ..."

Suddenly she stopped gushing, feeling the tears eek at the corners of her eyes, threatening to fall. "I'm sorry," she said with some pain in her voice. "I just get so emotional right now. I've no idea how it happened, how I was such an idiot and I've not told anyone yet. And all of this, and the fallout after the meteor and Shinsou just disappearing randomly whenever he wants, despite apparently being loyal to me. Ugh!"

She threw her hands into the air. "So, how have you been?"