The part barbarian, part fiery furnace was not someone she had expected to see out here in the wild fields. Yes indeed there was some small house or two here, smoke rising like a kite on the wind - but that did not mean Philomel has expected to find someone she knew. Least of all a close acquaintance of ...


Felicity what's her face. Roulette, or Riot, or Rosette. Rye-something. Red hair. Infamous temper. Some powerful ka-boom ability. Impressive, certainly, if the faun had been wanting to test her mettle, or stand beside her in battle. Not someone you wanted to see while you were deciding what to do about the baby in your belly.

Felicity waved, happily. Philomel groaned. Oh no, she was going to have to wave back and then there would be an expectation of friendliness and awkward, " how have you been?" banter. Not exactly what the faun was used to these lonely days.

Crap she thought as she raised a hand and waved back.

Veridian laughed silently, his foxy features curving upwards cheekily.

"Hi," Philomel said uneasily, not sure how to be happy at the moment. "Hi."