As Felicity ran up to Philomel, she noticed that compared to the spunky fox, Philomel looked drained. Her weak wave and short hello did nothing to hide a level of emotional and physical exhaustion Felicity was unaquanted with. Felicity knew exhaustion well, due to her constant PTSD enduced nightmares, but Philomel's magical energy felt... Bizarre. Why? Felicity's smile had hastily faded. Curiousity and concern took over as she noticed a small bulge in Philomel's stomach. Was that what she thought it was?

She needed to confirm, but felt too awkward just asking. Closing her eyes, Felicity expanded her magical senses. Taking in the world on a magical level. The fox was bright and free, with a flaming magical aura far exceeding his physical body. It reminded Felicity of the Phoenix of legend, and Felicity had to force her to not become enamored with it.

Philomel's magical aura was a lot more complicated. Earthy and natural, Felicity could smell and taste the natural elements of the earth. Wrapped with a complex personality, the aura was swirled with bubbling complexions of disgusted, saddened waters and bizarre elements and pheromones. Yet, in the center of Philomel's incredibly complicated Magical Signature, she saw another magical reading all together. Another, smaller person. Magic pure and unaffected by the world, yet still already shaped by a level of personality even now. Yes, this confirmed it perfectly.

Felicity opened her eyes to the physical world again. She was taken aback for several moments, while looking down to see that the faun's stomach was indeed swollen due to pregnancy.

Was this why she was so distraught?

"You're..." Felicity ventured, "Not doing well?" Felicity hesitated before adding, "You need to keep healthy, for both of you."