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  1. #1

    EXP: 31,031, Level: 7
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 3,969
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,969


    Robert Bertrand
    (I'll kick the hornet's nest if no one else will)

    John's drink spilled around his moustaches as he tipped it backward, the tankard (a small cask he'd specially asked for, the cups this hole stocked were just too damned small) dripping the strong, vile kind of ale down a part of his dusty shirt. Doing fast smithy work for a local lord was thirsty work, and since she wasn't around tonight, he could lose himself in the drink, at least for a moment. He put the thing down, and waved at a hazy barmaid in the distance. She'd been clearer to see earlier, he was sure of it. The candles around the place were just flickering orbs of light, now.

    The man next to him on the bench of the long table whistled, saying something about how he could 'put them away', John hadn't been listening since drink number two. Number three?

    Did it matter?

    He looked dazedly at his empty hand. Something was wrong. Where was his tankard? He was sure he had one a minute ago. He looked around for a moment, trying to find the barmaid. As if by magic, a cask thumped down in front of him, and John eagerly snapped the thing up and tipped it backward. Was it growing louder in here, or was it just his ears?

    The cask suddenly tipped too far, splashing his entire head in the brew and nearly putting the cask on his head entirely. He sputtered, yanking his hand away, where it collided, cask and all, with the drunkard next to him, who cried out. John stood, toppling the other man who had crashed into him to the ground, and squinted through the beer dripping from his hair at the more crowded section of the bar, just in time to see a walking figure lower the hood from his cloak, and turn his back.

    John's eyes widened, and a thrill of focus drove a part of his drunken acceptance away. Shinsou Vaan Osiris stood there, not thirty feet from him, talking to someone. Without a second thought he took the five steps towards him, snatching at his back, grabbing a fistful of cloak, coat, undershirt, and all. He whipped his arm backward toward the window, and let go. He followed through with a yell.

    "You and me got business, Telgradian!"

    John has attempted to toss Shinou out of the tavern (only optionally through the window)
    Last edited by redford; 02-02-2021 at 09:34 PM.

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