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  1. #2
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    The chilled winds of the harbor city were something Felicity Rhyolite was used to, both due to living her early life in arctic weather and spending the last month here. Salvar was a brutal environment, both in nature and its people. The young woman was only too ready to leave for her home in Corone. Having been transported here against her will, it took Felicity an entire month to navigate the frigid landscape to find the port city of Tirel.

    Reluctantly, Felicity had spent the night in an inn. She had only been able to book a trip a day after her arrival. This morning, she had eagerly awakened only to remember it was another three hours before the ship set off.

    With a sigh, Felicity huddled in her fur winter outfit. She was sick and tired of Salvar. She was sick and tired of hiding her magical powers under the shadow of the Church of the Ethereal Sway. She was sick and tired of all the worrying, day and night, over the wellbeing of those at home.

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris was alive. He just had to be. Felicity had to believe that. She was so desperate to see her mentor again. She was terrified for his safety every second they were apart. Now, Felicity was stuck in Salvar a final several hours before going on a boat trip that would likely take several weeks.

    She needed to pass the time somehow; get her mind off of her anxieties.

    Through the snow pounded streets of Tirel, Felicity blindly strolled through the red brick roads, numb to the throngs of people in this bustling trading hub. Felicity had grown used to her magical sense being buffeted by the different magical detections by now. It strangely reminded her of Corone, and how she had similar experiences there. The lack of magic in Salvar's towns had left her feeling empty and vacant.

    Felicity walked up to the window of a clothing and fashion store. She looked through the frosty window at her own reflection. She had bought this fur outfit at the beginning of her journey here. It once had neat white, grey, brown, and red furs all combined in rugged colors. Now, unwashed dirt, grime, and blood had ruined the outfit. Her straight hair, rustled in the light harsh breeze, was kept under an equally messy fur hat. Her endomorphic, muscular body was well hidden and warm under the heavy outfit. She supposed, she should get another outfit to wear on the ship. Felicity strolled into the brick store, stepping out of the crunch of the snow and onto a wooden beam floor. A women wearing a purple dress with fur lining immediately noticed her and smiled, "Looking for something, dear?"

    "I'm going to Corone," Felicity stated bluntly, "I need a new outfit to wear there."

    "Well! You came to the right place!" She beamed, jumping a little. She reached out and took a stringy strand of Felicity's hair, "Ah, a redhead! Oh, you'll look glorious when I'm done with you!"

    Well, some time had passed. Now, Felicity was standing in front of a mirror. She had no idea how it happened, but she had been suckered into paying for an entire makeover.

    Felicity was wearing quite the outfit. A white, v-neck shirt was worn under a red utility jacket with long sleeves. Colored red, the quality jacket had an emblem of a Phoenix on the back. It was an inspiring animal, much more likely to be spotted in Fallien than here. It came to show how much cultural diversity was in Tirel. Felicity wore simple brown straight pants and brown boots; though the pants were enhanced with a red sash wrapped around her waist. Felicity also wore long, brown leather gloves as a safety precaution for her dark powers. She could not risk accidentally cutting her hand and setting her uncontrollable powers off. Felicity also wore a simple silver necklace with a small owl charm on it. Felicity had no idea how she got convinced to spend money on this thing. None the less, it was a good fit for the outfit.

    Felicity also had been given a hair cut. The woman had begged Felicity to do something about the long length, blunt ends, and lack of style. This somehow evolved into getting her hair curled in the 2A design. The fronts were pulled back a bit and tied with a red ribbon. The hair still reached down to her waistline, but she had been told it looked great with her new hairstyle.

    Felicity reached back and tossed her hair up, which had a lot more bounce now, and let it fall back down. Why did she pay for this? It no longer could be used to cover her neanderthal forehead! Still, Felicity had to admit that she... enjoyed... this shopping trip. It was strange, yet, delightful.

    "Anything else I can help you with, sweetheart?" The stylish woman asked as she counted Felicity's money out at the counter.

    "Yes," Felicity nodded, "What time is it?"

    "Hmm," The woman shot her eyes at a clock with numerals Felicity was unable to read. "Why, it is eight thirty three."

    "What!" Felicity cried, staring at the shopkeep in horror, "My ship leaves at nine!"

    Felicity darted towards the door, "Thank you! Keep the change!"

    A mad dash through the snowy town lead Felicity towards the ship yards. Crisp air and chilly fish stench met her as she darted through the icy docks. She was quite thankful that she already had her possessions loaded on the ship last night. Panting, Felicity kept on running until she made it to the ship. As workers loaded some last minute supplies onto the ship, Felicity leapt onto the loading ramp and ran onto the ship. Breathing heavily, Felicity took in the view. The dark oak ship was glazed in frost, but was sturdy and strong. As crew members shouted and ran amuck around her, the white sails were being raised. For the first time in quite a while, Felicity was flooded with joy. Finally, she was going home!

    She raised her fists to the sky, crying out in excitement as she beamed, "Goodbye, Salvar! I won't miss you a bit!"

    After one long month, she was finally leaving this stupid snowball. She was going back to Whitevale! She would finally be reunited with her beloved teacher! She was going home...

    Nothing could ruin this moment! Nothing!
    Last edited by Flamebird; 03-04-2021 at 09:31 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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