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  1. #1
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Felicity's magical senses had alerted her, even in sleep, that something was amiss. Forcefully yanked from the deep, murky sea of terror, chills took over her as she awoke to harsh winds. For a moment, she had no memory of this room, where she was, or why a gust of wind usually found outdoors was swirling above her. As she shivered, her eyes turned to the small light outside the door. Seeing someone, cloaked in shadow, standing in her lodging caused her to grab a her knife from under the pillow and pull herself up. Her cheeks burned as she realized she was so lightly clothed, and he seemed to realize it too. He turned away and exited as the breeze fizzled out.

    Upon his waiting outside, Felicity leapt from her bed. She pulled some fur pants and a cloak out. Hastily throwing them on, Felicity's memory slowly recovered.

    I'm on a boat to Corone, my home. I'm on the ship that will be approximately a month at sea. So far, everything is good except for that jerk who keeps gawking at me...

    Confused, she wondered which member of the crew had awakened her, and with magical powers none the less. He had sounded decent enough to leave her some privacy at least; better than another member of this crew...

    Rubbing her eyes, exhausted, she tumbled barefoot towards the exit. Leaving her quarters, she turned to see that the person who had awakened her was...

    ... "Oh. It's you."

    That same jerk.

    With a long, heavy sigh, Felicity leaned against the doorframe. Frowning, she had to admit that he had been somewhat courteous. She was too tired to be that angry anyways. Annoyed? Yes. Angry? Well, maybe next time.

    "Can't you just leave me alone already?" She grumbled before remembering his question on her well being. She rested her head on the doorframe, humoring him.

    "I have nightmares a lot. I'm used to it though, they've been with me for, like, two years now. I just nap during the day." To think she had lost her family, and faced the abuse of a cold teacher, four years ago. The nightmares simply started further down the line than the breakdowns, stress, constant running from her own thoughts, and insecurities did.

    Felicity's arm limply swung back and forth as she slouched, "Satisfied?"
    Last edited by Flamebird; 02-13-2021 at 02:30 AM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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