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  1. #1
    Junior Member

    EXP: 3,900, Level: 2
    Level completed: 64%, EXP required for next Level: 1,100
    Level completed: 64%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,100

    Josette's Avatar


    Josette Hawkes

    Josette Hawkes [Mid-Level Update]

    Unchanged profile. The only addition is Ma, which was earned in the Crystal Sword quest line.
    Name: Josette Hawkes
    Age: Nineteen
    Race: Human
    Height: Five Feet, Eight Inches
    Weight: 155 Pounds
    Occupation: Initiate Arcane Knight

    Personality: Josette is a very complex person. The few words she does speak are either well-thought out advice, or dry, sarcastic humor. She is incredibly selfless, and will jump to put others before herself. She cares deeply for the people around her, regardless of whether they are friends. Despite this, she is not quick to trust. She is patient, and has a very long fuse. However, when she is pushed to her limit, she is an absolute nightmare to deal with. She has a very difficult time sorting through her own emotions, and she can grow overwhelmed when others display theirs. To combat this, she often reacts incorrectly in social situations.

    History: She hails from a rough block of Radasanth. She was raised by her father, who did his best to prepare his daughter for the hard life that lay before her. Though he spent little time in their run-down apartment, he ensured that Josette was as street smart as possible. He taught her hand-to-hand combat, and how to stand up for herself. Under his guidance, she began training her body, and her mind, for survival. By the time she was eighteen, she was a strong, independent young woman.

    Josette, however, never stopped to read books or study the arts. Anything that she did not deem important to her own survival was completely ignored. She did not attend school, though her father did teach her the basics of reading and writing in case she needed it down the road. She also lacked the interactions that most children had at a young age, and as a result, she does not always know how to react around other people.

    When a recruiter from the Knights offered Josette the chance to get out of her bad situation, she accepted without hesitation. She saw it as an opportunity to better herself, and rescue her father in the process. Directly after she joined, she began to see the first hints of her magical abilities. While she focuses almost exclusively on her non-magic skills, she is beginning to experiment with her water magic.

    Appearance: Josette is all muscle. Though her height is average for a young woman her age, her years of training have left her with an exceptionally toned frame. Long, pin-straight black hair hangs to the middle of her back. It is almost always tied in a tight braid; only when she is alone does she let it fall freely. Her deep-set blue eyes are so dark that they appear black in the right light. She is wearing at least one piece of armor at all times, except for when she is sleeping.


    Streetsmarts: While Josette knows very little when it comes to literature and art, she can handle her own in most tough situations. She is very good at thinking outside of the box, and has top-notch survival skills.

    Physically Fit: Josette can run great lengths, and lift weights that would make some of her male counterparts jealous.

    Swordswoman: Thanks to her father's teachings, Josette is skilled with both the knife and the sword.


    Healing Spring: Josette can use water to heal small cuts and abrasions (minor to moderate wounds). The more severe the wound, the more energy it takes out of her. It takes about five minutes to heal a wound completely. For now, she can only use this ability three times a day. This has no negative effect on her health if the wound just breaks the skin; deeper cuts leave her lightheaded. She does need about one cup of water for this to be possible.

    Bubble: Three times a day, Josette can summon a bubble around herself. It can deflect weak melee attacks, such as those from a run-of-the-mill soldier. It can also stop weak magic attacks, such as small ice shards or fireballs. Immediately upon being struck, the shield will pop. More powerful attacks and opponents will not be affected by her shield. This has no negative effect on her health, and she does not need a water source for this to happen.

    Quicksand: When an enemy enters a body of water, Josette can use her magic to slow their movements. While individuals will still be able to move their upper bodies at normal speed, walking speed will be slowed by .5 until the enemy can exit the body of water. This is only possible when the person has waded up to mid-calf in a significant body of water: a swamp, a pond, a stream, etc. This takes an enormous amount of energy from Josette, and she is lightheaded until the enemy exits the water. She can only perform this ability once a day, and once the headache subsides, there is no further negative effect on her health.

    Iron armor, comprised of a chest plate, shoulder guards, and gauntlets.
    A few changes of clothes, including leggings, tunics, and boots.

    Ma, the crystal Horse blade. Gold sheath and hilt, with flecks of silver and black. Silver and black blade. Acquired here.

  2. #2

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)
    Approved because you just got something you wanted to add.

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