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  1. #1
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,303

    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    Clever? No, but when a swordsman disappears in front you, an exposed back is often the most obvious target, Rehtul thought as he stood up and brushed himself off. It was almost laughable that the man would think of the relatively young mage as dangerous as a result, however. Rehtul slapped both hands together in a crisscrossing motion to knock some of the dust off.

    The air cackled and the clearing seemed to darken as though his opponent were casting a shadow far wider than the sun should ordinarily allow. Rehtul braced himself, putting his left foot a few inches behind his right and widening his stance. The magic pouring off his opponent was staggering. The Orlouge hadn't fought a true mage in quite a awhile, not since his battle with the water bearer a few months prior, and this magic seemed altogether different.

    What could only described as portals of electrified shadow hung in the air before the trees. They were solid, yet translucent. He could make out the tree line behind Shinsou if he looked hard enough. The part worrying him the most, however, were the weapons of solid shadow nestled in these portals.

    Intriguing. I'd like to study those lances in depth when I have the opportunity, he thought as he braced himself. The question was, how were these lances to be used against him? His answer was short in coming, as about half their number homed in on him and fired simultaneously.

    The cold aura around Rehtul brightened into a dazzling azure light as he brought his own magic to bear. around him on all sides appeared roughly a dozen crystalline spears. The light from the sun behind him refracted through the crystalline constructs, scattering rays of multicolored light in all directions.

    Whipping both hands about like a conductor, he watched his spears catch and redirect the trajectory of each of the fifteen spears that had careened toward him, each hitting the ground behind and to either side with a satisfying thunk and twang. Or so he thought. Searing pain screamed through his side as his white coat began to dampen and darken to a deep crimson. He looked at the hole on his side in disbelief.

    "I thought I'd got them all... damn," he snarled through clenched teeth. He threw a hand out to his side and grabbed a single spear from the dozen surrounding him. The rest took up positions around his body, leaving just enough room directly in front of him to allow direct combat if necessary.

    Can he control his constructs mid flight like I can, though? the mage thought as he motioned for the weapons around him to form up behind him like a giant fan of pointy sticks.

    Well, only one way to find out, he figured. With a point of his index finger, one of his spears flipped over to rest parallel over his shoulder and erupted at a speed far greater than an ordinary man was capable of throwing.
    Last edited by Rehtul Orlouge; 03-27-2021 at 04:25 AM.

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