A white saber tooth cat silently padded across the snow. It was like watching a house cat perfectly glide across sand without sinking. Its long hair majestically blew in the harsh winds. Snow flurries were the only defense between my helpless body and this creature. A low growl came from its parted jaws as it stood a mere several feet away. My heart pounded. I slammed my hand into the snow and tried to push up. I needed to get up!

Before either of us could act, however, a miracle happened. Out of nowhere, a hunter's spear slammed into the big cat's neck. It fell, instantly dead, its red blood splotching the white snow below. Still reeling, I fell back into the heavy snow that threatened to bury me. I was so confused... Yet, as cold sleep threatened to take me, I saw a fur coated figure stand above me. She was a stout woman, holding yet another spear in the cold.

"Well, ye look stout like one of us, but obviously you ain't. Where's ye's furs, wearing nothing but a shirt and pants!"

"I found some bags and equipment!" Another voice called from beyond my field of vision, "Must be her's!"

I looked up, blank and dazed. I could barely speak. The hunter leaned against her spear with an amused smirk, "Ye need a warm fire, don't ya?"