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  1. #1

    EXP: 4,636, Level: 2
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 364
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 364



    A New Tale to Write (Evian)

    Name : Evian
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 180 lbs
    Appearance: Evian has dark hair that can look black from a distance or in poor lighting, but is actually a dark shade of brown. He has a scar that disappears into his hairline above his left eye, and from it grows white his - this is normally not seen as Evian prefers to keep that particular section of hair shorn clean. His eyes themselves are deep blue, but with faint starbursts of purple around the irises. Evian does his best to keep himself clean shaven, because he feels that when he lets his beard grow in it looks scraggly. (He's not wrong)

    Evian is lean, his frame lanky, but despite that he moves with a fluid grace. His skin has a health tan on what shows, which is not much as he usually wears full sleeve shirts and full length trousers. He even wears a scarf, even when the temperatures in Corone start to rise. This is for a simple reason - along the majority of his body, scars criss cross his skin, many times over lapping. The worst though are along his spine and on his head, near the base of his neck. They are faded at this point, but even so the lines are heavy, standing out against his pale skin.

    Evian is friendly and engaging, willing to talk to almost anyone he meets. Anyone who talks to him for long enough though will find he keeps them at a distance, resisting attempts at getting closer. He is a private person, and keeps details about himself quiet.

    Evian does not like to bring up his past. If pressed hard enough, he will admit to being born in rural Salvar but not much beyond that. He is more open about his recent life, that he has been spending some time living in the forests near Corone and Scara Brae.

    He is reticent because he was the subject of an obsessed madman's experiments to thwart a specific type of magic. Evian's biological father was demented, insanely focused on finding a way to stop magic. While he couldn't find ways to stop most magics, his experiments on his child had an odd result. Evian has become something of a blind spot for precognition magic - magic that would see his future is obscured, hazy. The madman never got to know of his success, perishing as a result of another side effect of the tortures he inflicted on his son.

    Since escaping from remains of his life of captivity, Evian managed to escape Salvar - hiding in the nights, avoiding others whenever he could, fearing that if anyone found out about his ability they would continue the experiments. Since that escape he has still mostly kept to himself, but outside of the magic hating nation he doesn't feel as in danger, so has managed to relax.

    One of Evian's two most-used skills is his adept use of the bow. Practiced for years, honed as he hunted in the woods. While he is not yet a master archer, he does have a deft hand and a keen eye.

    Showcasing that Evian tries to keep distant from others is his preferred melee weapon if he has to fight that way - the spear. Self-taught, and honed much the same way as his Archery, Evian used his spear to keep himself alive as he fled Salvar. Against bandit and beast he's had an unfortunate amount of practice.

    Evian knows how to use some parts of the natural world to make simple concoctions. Salves and ointments to reduce blood loss, ease bruising and swelling - while nothing that would change the tide of battle, he knows how to use the forest's bounties to ease small sufferings.

    The most abundant resource in the forest makes the best practice material for a hobby. Evian has spent a lot of time learning how to whittle wood, making small trinkets, as well as helping to make simple spears and bows when other things break.


    Path Unwritten:

    The primary result of the horrid experiments that Evian's father carried out on him, brought about by unknown 'surgeries' on Evian's brain, injections of strange chemicals and odd items. Evian's father, in his obsession, even reached out to using forbidden magical compounds, eventually resulting in this. Evian is difficult to see with precognitive abilities or spells - a blind spot in those powers. His immediate actions are similarly obfuscated, but as events unfold and others react to what he's done that protection fades.
    (Blind spot in precognitive powers for immediate actions and events involving Evian, while other people reacting or doing something becomes clearer the less directly it involves him. Effective against abilities used by characters one level above his, and below.)

    Nervous Rewrite
    Brought on by heinous surgeries that centered around his spinal column and brain, which by sheer dumb luck Evian survived, his nerves have been reinforced beyond what a normal human can produce.
    (Gives 1.5x normal speed/reflexes)

    Mind Unbound
    The genesis of Evian's powers. The torments inflicted on Evian as a child and teenager ended with him developing psychic abilities that manifested in an explosive burst of telekinesis. Fear has kept Evian from practicing with his burgeoning power, but he has forced himself to exercise some, granting him a modicum of control over the telekinetic aspect of his power.
    Current Powers:
    Telekinesis: Within a five meter range, Evian can pick up and control loose inanimate objects roughly five pounds or less. At any one time he can control three objects simultaneously. Less weight does not increase the number of objects he can manipulate - nor does only picking up one object increase how heavy that object can be. Living beings and heavily magical items are immune to this power currently.

    Leather backpack:
    A simple backpack holding small sundries for Evian's traveling.

    Oak Bow:
    A sturdy, simple longbow made of oak and twine. Suitable for hunting game, not enough power to punch through most armors.

    Bone Spear:
    A spear crafted of yew wood, tipped with a blade made of a hard, sharpened bone. The blade is almost a foot long, and Evian has carved a simple serrated edge onto one side.
    Last edited by Reytac; 03-04-2021 at 07:38 AM. Reason: Adding gear/equipment.

  2. #2

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

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    Certainly an interesting character you have here. Welcome to Althanas.

    Your abilities look good and ready to approve. Do you have any questions or concerns before I approve you?
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

  3. #3

    EXP: 4,636, Level: 2
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 364
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 364


    Not as of right now, no!

  4. #4

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

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    Brilliant. Then I will approve you. You also get 400 gold starting gold because of the festival


    In terms of starting forums, have a look at Stonevale which is a great place to begin your adventures and if you are looking to chat, then find the Discord link in the Flying Stone Tavern.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

  5. #5

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Approved. Starting gold added.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

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