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  1. #1

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)

    The Return of the King? No! Emperor! (Vincent Cain Level 11)

    (Here's the last profile I can find, Lmao

    Name: Vincent Cain

    Race- Something resembling a human.

    Age: Honestly with all the weird interworld B.S it’s hard to say. He looks like he’s in his late twenties.

    Appearance: Tall and Lean, Vincent Cain stands at about six foot and a couple inches, depending on when you measure him. His long blonde hair hangs anywhere from jaw to shoulder length depending on the last time he’d bothered to get it cut, framing his teal eyes that shimmer ever so slightly with an electric crackle. He tends to keep his face free of stubble, often going for a clean shaven look, though depending on the day he might perhaps have the hint of a five o’clock shadow.

    He tends to dress simply, although with a bit of a regal flair. Long trousers coupled with silk shirts, typically in dark colours that match well with purple oft adorn his well built but not bulky frame. He can hardly be caught outside of his abode without his SIGNATURE tyrian purple long coat blowing majestically in the breeze behind him.

    Personality: Vince is a bit of a wild card. When he first arrived at Althanas, bright eyes filled with wonder he treated everything as actual magic. Everything was new and wondrous, and filled him with an extreme sense of wonder. Now, years into his adventures he’s grown. He’s seen the aftermath of horrific crimes, committed by those he had grown to love. He’d seen friends and allies die, he himself had faced cold embrace of death countless times. That changes a man.

    Now, he keeps himself to an aloof and goofy attitude when he can. He’ll crack jokes, engage in banter, and generally keep himself to a pleasant demeanor. When dealing with new people, he keeps himself cordial and polite but tends to keep them at arms length. When dealing with enemies he’s curt if not outright rude. He’d rather hide most hostility under clever and witty wordplay. When dealing with friends, he drops all the facade and becomes a genuinely caring person, willing to drop anything and everything to run to their aid and assist them.

    Equipment: All these thread links are broken, I’m positive there was more but god help me if I can track down years worth of old spoils.

    Orb of Sunlight: Small orb that can fill a small room with sunlight thrice a day purchased here

    Steel longsword:

    Deployable steel shield:

    The zapcane:!
    A Damascus hand cane enchanted to shoot lightning on a verbal cue.

    The Cain Cane:
    A Damascus Cane that absorbs the rebound energy of its strikes into its silver runes that store said energy to be released twice a day as a blast on contact with a swing that is equal to a strength six punch.

    Master Marksman- Over the years, Vincent has forced himself to have to learn and adapt. When he started, he wanted to be like the standard hero trope, the knight in shining armor. Several accidents later and he learned he needed to adapt to his strengths, which was his dexterity. Now Vincent is up there among legends when it comes to ranged attacks. He’s significantly better with his throwing cards, but most ranged weapons tend to come naturally. This manifests in his ability to hit a stationary target at almost any range within eyesight.

    Expert Swordsman- Years of training have made Vincent an excellent swordsman. He’s not the greatest in the world, but most average men would probably dread to cross blades with him.

    Unparalleled Scholar- The first year of Vincent’s stay was spent holed away as a recluse in an ancient library filled with some of the most valuable books known to the land. He’d mastered all of that, and when he needed more he ventured further outward. This culminated in a trip to Khal’Jaren’s Great Library. If there’s something to know about the world that’s written down, Vince has probably studied it, has some degree of knowledge about it, or at least heard of it. This doesn’t mean he’s omniscient, but it does allow him a great degree of intel.

    Ace Cartographer- Vince is a master at making and interpreting maps. If he sees one for more than a minute can recall it perfectly, navigating from it and even replicating it exactly.

    Eidetic Memory- Vince is capable of perfectly recreating any image or memory in his mind to review and go over. He’s limited to his perspective on things, but it allows him to recollect things he may have missed on first viewing. This is not immune to being tampered with via mental manipulation.

    Silver Tongue- Vince has quite the vocabulary and knows his way around it. He’s an excellent speaker and often capable of talking his way out of, or into, most things. Furthermore, if there is a written example of a language available to learn, chances are he is fluent in both reading and writing said language.

    A Damn Fine Magician- Vince’s ability to observe, interpret, and understand magical phenomenon is uncanny. Unless a spell is particularly heavily cloaked, or an enchantment heavily masked he can typically gather it’s intended function at a glance. Further investigation tends to lead to more detailed results. For more and more complex functions of magic, it takes a longer time, but general information is still usually available to him.

    Handy- Vincent has learned how to work a forge from the aid of his good friend and father figure John Cromwell. While he’s not the best smith in the world, he can make...passable work.


    Strength of Kings: Vincent despite his looks, is impossibly strong. He can lift about eight to nine times as much weight as the average person. He can easily deadlift around 2,000 pounds. When in melee combat, his blows are staggering and even blocking blows from him can lead to minor injuries depending on the durability of the blocker. Weapons thrown by him can reach speeds beyond the wildest dreams of a professional baseball players, and can impact with enough force to knock an average man off his feet or leave even the most prepared of people winded.

    Emperor’s Training (Two abilities combined into one): Through both the power of Fate and training Vincent is superhumanly quick. When he hits his top speeds it becomes incredibly difficult to follow his moves. He can close a gap of up to sixty feet in the blink of an eye. When it comes to dishing out blows, when he really pushes himself he can release a flurry of about seven to eight attacks in about six seconds.

    Magical Ironman- Vince’s exposure to mass amounts of magical energy has suffused his body and enchanted his very core. While he is still very much easily stabbed or slashed to death, it takes a much sharper knife and much more force applied with greater pressure. When it comes to raw blunt force trauma he can shrug off attacks that would kill the average man with perhaps a bruise at most. His bones are ten times harder to break, and where blocking or absorbing attacks he can generally assume he won’t take too much damage.

    Will of One- The mind of the Emperor is one that can shape reality sheerly with enough relentless force of will. This comes with a handful of perks, the foremost of these being it is incredibly difficult to mess with his head if he is actively defending it. If he is aware of a mental attack and able to prep defenses, it would be like a siege. This makes him incredibly resistant to things like domination effects or compulsions. Furthermore, unless an illusion is incredibly strong Vincent is capable of spotting it with a glance and breaking the effect by focusing his gaze on it for a prolonged period of time.

    Locus of the Tap (four abilities rolled into one description)- Long ago in the Red Forest of Raiaera, Vincent Cain faced down a fragment of the evil witch Pode alongside four others. Noone walked out of that forest unchanged, but Vincent’s could be argued to have been the most drastic. Impaled on a shard of pure unadulterated magic, his body melted away from the sheer force of it all. His mind was sent reeling through the undercurrents of magic surely to have been lost forever. Yet he was not, through sheer grit and determination, he managed to pull his body back together, reforged of flesh and mana as something not even the gods could have intended. He rose once more and finished the fight, leaving that Dark Goddess dead, and him trapped in a state he didn’t quite understand.

    As equal parts flesh and magic, Vince has the following qualities.
    -He is incapable of permanently dying. Any time he is felled, his form returns to the ethereal and will reform back at his home at a varying amount of time depending on how he was felled.

    -He has the ability to constantly detect magic in a variety of ways, which tend to vary based on the type of magic being cast. Enchanted items tend to glow softly, certain spells cast on people or lingering effects emit a smell, and the mere act of casting even the most subtle of spells oft sets of a distracting lightshow.

    -He is incredibly resistant to most forms of offensive magic. Magically conjured fireballs lose a great deal of their bite, requiring massive magical infernos to deal any real lasting damage to him. Blasts of force that would knock gates off hinges might leave him slightly bruised and battered as his flesh absorbs the magic from the blow. This however, makes most magical forms of healing incredibly difficult as well, making bringing him back from serious injuries via magic require a miracle and forcing him to rely on the passive healing listed below.

    -When in areas suffused with a moderate amount of ambient magic, Vincent will draw on said power to repair and nourish his body. When in a place where someone would be capable of casting magic, he does not need to eat or drink. Furthermore, any of his injuries will begin to passively regenerate at a varying rate depending on the amount of free magic in the air. At a “Standard rate” which is based on the average situation, it takes him an hour to heal a minor wound (Such as a bruise or small cute) Two hours to heal a standard wound (Larger cuts that don’t require stitches, minor sprains.) An entire day of rest to heal a major wound (Such as gashes that would require stitches, broken bones, etc) and an entire week to recover from a life threatening wound. This rate is cut in half in areas with exceptionally high amounts of ambient magic.

    Word’s of Power (The Kings Commands)- When Vincent attuned himself to the Emperor Arcana, he began to learn the secrets of its power. This granted him the ability to use a special form of Song Magic which utilized short but powerful command phrases in order to manipulate reality around him. While the commands generally vary, the general theme revolves around manipulating people and objects within thirty feet of him. For instance, he could say “Rise” and bid an object within this radius to begin to float upwards. He could say “Fall” and force an item to begin to drop. His limits are based on what he’s interacting with. For example, when dealing with objects that aren’t being interacted with directly by another person, he can manipulate up to 1 ton of material. When dealing with an object either being held, or in possession of someone, it becomes a direct battle of wills (AKA we hash it out OOC)

    Teleportation Magic- Vincent is capable of teleporting at will to anywhere within 120 feet of him with the only limit being he must wait at least 30 seconds before doing it again. Three times per day he may open up a portal to another location anywhere else in the world so long as he spends a minute focusing on the exact location and he’s been there before. When doing a short teleport he may take up to one or two people with him, multiplying the cooldown he has to wait by the number of people. The portal may allow any number of people through it, so long as they all enter before Vincent does.

    Tap Materialization- Hard Magic
    Vince’s ability to manipulate raw magic has ascended into the ability to create temporary weapons. He can create up to ten items with the equivalent strength of a tier three material. He can make double as many tier two materials, and quadruple as many tier one items. These items have varying durations. Tier one items break after one use, Tier two items break after four uses, and Tier three items break after six uses.

    Tap Materialization- King’s Treasury
    Vincent has learned how to store his possessions in an ethereal void outside of the understanding of most people. At the snap of his fingers he may materialize any of his stored possessions into his hands. He may also don armor and change clothes instantly with this method. Items drawn in quick succession take exponentially longer. (He cannot pull a Gilgamesh and just start flinging things like artillery...yet)

    Building the Future-
    Vincent, through a combination of his magic and skills with a forge, is capable of forging and enchanting gear. In order to do this, he must purchase or gather materials equal to 50% of the cost of a mundane piece of gear, or 75% of the cost for enchanted gear. If the process of gathering materials and the creation process are done in a thread, further discounts can be added on at judge’s discretion.

    Background / History:

    Born in the far off foreign city of Dallas, in the mysterious land of Texas, Vincent Cain lived an interesting life. Plagued with health issues as a young child, he was forced to escape into a world of fantasy through videogames and other media. His parents would split up over differences in how to raise the sickly boy, leaving Vincent to live with his mom and eventually a revolving door of step-dads. Eventually, he would overcome his health issues and end up having a somewhat normal latter half of his childhood, spending most of middle and highschool in perfect health. It was around this time his father had vanished, and while distraught at his disappearance, Vincent’s life went on.

    It was around the age of 19 that things changed for him. A mysterious birthday present from his father arrived, a strange beginner box for some new Table Top RPG entitled “Althanas.” Having never heard of it, Vincent spent the night going over the rules and lore before falling asleep on his couch and suddenly finding himself in the very world he’d just been reading about.

    The adjustment didn’t come easy for young Vincent, who took this whole endeavor as a sign he was some grandiose fated hero meant to save the world from upcoming evil. He took to learning all he could with a ferocious zeal that often left him isolated for weeks at a time, going days without a meal. The shadowy organization he’d come to join, run by a mysterious woman who can read fate, often let him intentionally make mistakes that would put him through hell and back simply for the sake of making him stronger. Yet he truly believed he could save the world, and thus he continued to plow forward into every enemy with all the optimism and hope he could muster. Yet things weren’t all traumatic arrows through the knee and death via Dark Goddesses, there were moments of sincere brightness. He’d made incredible friends over quests to kill serial killers, saved abandoned star people, had more than his fair share of boxing lessons with a man old enough to retire. He’d had pizza parties with an angel in the ruins of an abandoned ruin, and found himself a happy home in one of the most cursed places of all of Althanas.

    Yet one day that all changed. Leona had long since disappeared, and his angelic friend Ioder had also had a falling out with him. Then, his mentor and teacher Tobias Stalt left the organization leaving a river of blood behind him that could dye the entire forest of Raiaera red again. In an attempt to gain some semblance of normalcy, and to give his friend and secret crush Rayleigh Aston a brief vacation, he feigned a trip to a resort island was a secret mission and disappeared from the face of the world. The world would never see the Emperor of the Tarot Hierarchy again…

    Or so they thought.

    Through some fiat of the gods who ruled over Althanas again, or perhaps just idle boredom of fate, one of the greatest heroes of all of Althanas returned in a flash of teal, just in time for...a festival? Hrrm, surely something of note was bound to happen.

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Hey Cards, welcome back!

    No problem with the abilities overall, but a note for Building the Future. The ability (if i've understood it right) is effectively giving you a 50% discount on gear, and 25% on enchanted gear. By our normal rules, these represent high discounts (usually we only allow up to 20% in abilities).

    That said, I would rather encourage unique abilities than stand in the way of progress. As it stands I can approve you fully, on the condition that gear crafted by Building the Future can't be sold back to the Bazaar (you must make a note anything crafted by this ability on your profile).

    You may, however, sell to other players in an IC thread for a price agreed between you.

    Is that acceptable or do you want to make any further edits?

  3. #3

    EXP: 67,821, Level: 11
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 9,179
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 9,179


    Vincent Cain
    Human (Tap Phantom)
    I wasn't aware of the current system you guys had in place, nor could I recall any of the previous systems, so I apologize for making something so off the rails over your normal limits. That being said, I wasn't particularly trying to game the system via crafting things and then punting it to the bazaar, so I am willing to agree to your terms on the approval of the ability.

  4. #4
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Quote Originally Posted by Cards of Fate View Post
    I wasn't aware of the current system you guys had in place, nor could I recall any of the previous systems, so I apologize for making something so off the rails over your normal limits. That being said, I wasn't particularly trying to game the system via crafting things and then punting it to the bazaar, so I am willing to agree to your terms on the approval of the ability.
    No problem at all! We've chopped and changed a bit since those days. Either way i'm happy to approve you! Welcome back

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