"Well now, that is kind of you sir." Evian inclined his head towards the older man. When he'd decided to take refuge from the press of humanity around them near the hooded figure, all he'd expected was a bit of quiet and a place to relax with a drink. Having even one drink paid for would help the young hunter's wallet. He turned sharp blue eyes towards the man, following back along the outstretched arm.

This man was definitely different from most of those who traveled through Stonevale. Only the oldest miners had the weight of experience that clung to them like this man had - and there was a distinct air of contained danger about him. What caught Evian's gaze though was the scar over one eye, standing out against pale skin. That pale skin was uncomfortably familiar to Evian - the skin of someone who stayed indoors more often than not. It reminded him of places he would rather forget. And the scar didn't help any - it made the one at his hairline twinge with remembered pains.

Still - Evian wasn't going to jump to conclusions or turn down someone else's goodwill. As far as he knew, this was a scarred veteran who was just showing an unexpected kindness to someone who had had more courage than the rest of the people who were trudging through the tavern.

The young man blinked, broken from his staring at the pale figure, when the waitress came up to them. She hastily set one tankard down in front of Evian, offering him an extremely quick, perfunctory smile, before focusing on the older man. She set a glad down in front of him before bowing and scurrying away, casting furtive glances over her shoulder as she almost fled.

"What could you have possibly done to get that reaction? Simply existing isn't a crime." Evian snorted and shook his head once.