Evian pushed open the door into the main lobby of the tavern, pausing a moment as a rush of thick air swirled around him. Right - he had forgotten that being in a town meant a lot of people. Because of the chemicals used in tanning not many people had been around when he was selling things earlier, but here in a tavern it was hard to get away from other people. Many of whom were - well, he couldn't point fingers, his last bath had been in a river. He forced a smile for a moment before he adjusted to the atmosphere, then headed inside, eyes scanning the room for a place to sit.

The fire was out, near the hearth. While there were a few spots there was no way Evian would be comfortable near that many people. He'd stomach it if he had to - he hadn't been joking when he'd said he wanted a drink, and he knew anywhere he went there'd be just as many people. A second glance around the room made Evian realize there was an oddly empty spot. No one was going out of their way to call attention to it, and there were still people there, but to one side of the room there were decidedly fewer patrons sitting at tables.

It seemed to be centered around a large, well built figure who was drinking from a mug slowly. As he lifted his arm something metal caught the light from the fireplace and reflected it, glinting for a moment before movement obscured it once more. The only feature that could be made out of his face were intense, deep green eye that seemed disconnected from what they were looking at. It was easy to see why most of the other tavern goers were giving this man a healthy berth of space. A gap that Evian happily plopped himself down into, sitting a short distance from the other man. He rested his unstrung bow against the wall and planted his spear beside it, glad he'd actually remembered to bring the leather wrap to cover up the blade on the end.

Evian flagged over a young woman - the serving girl, who kept sneaking glances toward the green-eyed man nearby as she came over to Evian. "What can I get for you, ser?" Her voice was light and vibrant as she smiled at the brown-haired man.

"Just an ale or mead, whichever you'd recommend, miss." Evian smiled back lightly, his eyes partially closing as he did. If nothing else, it was nice to see a pretty face smiling. He'd spent entirely too much time in forests recently, or just visiting taciturn old men working as tanners or butchers. The youth scurried back towards the bar, to an older, burly man who seemed to be trying to split his glare between Evian and the other man he was seated near, though that glare did seem to favor the man Evian didn't recognize. He wasn't surprised though, with the way the girl serving as the barmaid was still sneaking glances over her shoulder toward the other figure.