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  1. #1
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Shinsou’s smile shattered. With his mind fearful of Felicity’s monstrous magic, the Telgradian had activated his Hakai and had neglected to consider three other important elements; her anger towards him, her equipment and her natural strength. Dust from the marble floor billowed from the fierce collision; Enpera’s edge first clattering hard against, and then crudely sliding between, the metal prongs of her dagger before becoming trapped within their suffocating grasp. Wisps of breath, and very little else, now separated Osiris and Rhyolite as the fiery Neanderthal stared him down.

    Shit, stupid move. Get out of there, The spellsword lamented as he struggled to keep a grip of his blade. There was a brief tussle, but Felicity’s incredible strength was always going to fare better against the physically weaker Telgradian. All he could do was grimace as she painfully levered him to one side, twisting Enpera from his palm and casting it from his grip. It skidded to a halt beneath nearby marble statue of a goddess.

    Disarmed and exposed, the Telgradian had to think quickly. There were about seven inches now between Felicity’s trident dagger and his exposed belly, so with a sizzing snap, Shinsou formed a solid blade of dark matter that extended over and out of his right hand. With a hue of deepest night, the unchecked weapon of dark magic would reek of promised death to a normal adversary, but Osiris knew that he would never win a game of physical strength here. Instead, he used the sword as leverage. Rolling quickly to his right, around Felicity’s dagger arm, Shinsou brought the blade’s face against that of the curved base of the weapon’s prongs and pushed to ensure the Neanderthal’s own momentum would carry her forward and past him, exposing her back.

    There was a primal urge to rush in and strike that vulnerable Neanderthal flesh with the dark matter weapon, but more intelligent comprehension prevailed. The Telgradian knew that continuing to be drawn into close combat with her was a death sentence, and this was a mistake he had already made once. Even if the honeyed promise of the Citadel’s revival magic meant that such mistakes could be taken without risk, he refused to put his reputation as a teacher in jeopardy by continuing to teach her rank foolishness.

    His eyes gleamed from the confines of his face at the fallen Enpera. So, using the precious little time he had bought with his manoeuvre, Shinsou poised and darted, his left arm spread in preparation for his sword’s collection. With speed and grace, the spellsword dressed in white slid and grabbed its hilt without error.

    In this time, Felicity had recovered her balance and was preparing; only a small distance now between them.


    Its single word resonated with arcane power; a power that provoked Enpera to begin secreting a dark fluid as its silver blade turned jet black. The poison dripped on the tiled marble floors, secondary splashes of ink like liquid disturbing the remaining motes of dirt and dust. With a powerful stroke, a crescent wave of loose black toxin washed from the blackened shadows beneath the statue in its recessed alcove towards Felicity.

    Isolated from her pain and suffering, he knew not what the girl was thinking or feeling. But, the Telgradian did know one thing. It would take more than her brute strength to topple him in this place.
    Last edited by Shinsou Vaan Osiris; 03-09-2021 at 04:09 PM.

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