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  1. #1
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    The wily Telgradian had watched from afar as his attack had struck, having already moved to a darker part of the chamber out of caution for what he assumed would come next. Surprisingly, her radiation cloak hadn’t yet activated, and his deliberate attempt to put distance between them had inadvertently allowed Felicity the time she needed to recover from the poison. Annoying, and slightly disruptive to his plan, but not entirely unexpected. Before long she had disappeared out of sight, and into the recessed alcoves containing various pieces of art and furniture. Of course, just because she was out of sight did not mean she was out of mind. Perhaps the Neanderthal, in her rush to escape his sight, had forgotten he could sense her presence.

    Or, perhaps not. Perhaps she had remembered his power, and was baiting him. Her words sailed over the now silent hall to his ears; an invitation to a quick death, no doubt (in his mind, at least) designed to lure him into a full frontal attack.

    The notion surprised the Telgradian somewhat. After all, had he not made it clear from his actions that he had no intention of going toe-to-toe with her physically? He still didn't quite fathom the extent of Felicity’s game-plan, but a tinge of disappointment ran through him. So far, she had disarmed him once, and hidden away in the chambers.

    Shinsou expected far more from his apprentice than this in the Citadel.

    If she thinks I’m going to get involved in a game of cat and mouse, followed by a hearty punch-up with someone of her strength, she’s going to be in for a shock. Shinsou hazarded another glance towards the array of columns and statues that masked her physical presence to his eyes, but could not hide her spiritual presence to his senses. It was difficult to stifle a small frown.

    "Do you think so little of me that you’d hide away in the shadows, waiting for me to come and raise my sword against you?" – Shinsou said, sure that she was close enough to hear his words "I’m disappointed, Felicity. Let me remind you who you’re dealing with, teacher to student, so that you don’t insult my intelligence again.”

    A sudden breeze whipped up, this time blowing from the ground up and around Shinsou, who stood amongst rows of candles and tables in the hallway opposite. Small pieces of rock and stone, dislodged from the earth from his earlier attack, vibrated rapidly on the floor around him as he began to unleash his favourite spell. He closed his eyes as a crease formed on his brow; one that was there only for the briefest of moments before it disappeared. Tapping into his magic required slightly more from him physically now, but he was getting used to it.

    The resultant windburst created a discernible path amongst the dirt-strewn ground. Shinsou paused for a moment to gather his bearings - primarily the direction of the Neanderthal, since he would have to be careful about not his next move, but the one after. Then he spoke, words of power passing his lips as he raised his right hand.

    “Enpera Kurohitsugi.”

    His favoured spell was one that Felicity had seen before in all of its majesty, but that didn’t concern the Telgradian one bit. From behind him, the air itself shimmered and instantly tore apart into thirty oval receptacles. As the dark wall of purple and black magic chewed through the surroundings, a spear of dark matter manifested within each magical silo, and hung there ethereally for a moment.

    All of them were aimed at Felicity’s location. All of them were designed for no other purpose than to kill.

    With a single wave of his hand, all thirty of them burst forth from the portal in a cacophony of electrical hissing, and tore straight towards the hidden Felicity Rhyolite.
    Last edited by Shinsou Vaan Osiris; 03-10-2021 at 07:30 AM.

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