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  1. #16

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    But then his eye caught something. Someone who had disappeared to order a drink at the bar for a moment, and was now back from behind the large tree-trunk pillar-like beam. A strong-jawed elf lady, with dark hair cropped short and dressed in leather armour that allowed for movement but provided also some protection. Her build was muscled and clearly belonged to someone who had had warrior training, and a set of short axes were strapped to her back and torso in a bandolier. Over this garb was swung a cloak of homespun wool, so overall she looked like an average adventurer, except maybe better equipped more than the next.

    It was her gaze though that Evian noticed. She kept scanning the room, as if taking in the measure of the patrons, and then coming back to Celandine. Her body was turned towards them, and she seemed ready, eager to bounce into combat should the need arise. With her drink she looked like she was trying to play the part of just another traveller, but really there was something about the way she stood, didn't talk to anyone, didn't make eye contact and tried to seem inconspicuous to the point of being conspicuous that it was obvious.

    Celandine seemed oblivious. She was frowning at what Evian had said and was looking down at her clothing, her hands, her legs. It didn't seem like she was denying her well-to-do background, but certainly she was wondering about the obviousness of it.

    "I'm not that fancy. Or at least I don't want to be." Furiously she dug into her back and pulled out the half finished scarf. She began to knit, finishing it off. "I'll make myself something more boring then. What about me is ... Prim and proper? Am I too clean? Please don't say I have to go rolling in mud too?"

    She made a disgusted face.

    "You're too dirty. Maybe you need a bath. Or maybe I need to ... Hmm." She thought for a second, pausing in her knitting. "Should I make a jumper then?"
    Last edited by Celandine; 03-15-2021 at 08:02 AM.

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