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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    EXP: 4,636, Level: 2
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 364
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 364


    Evian felt his other eyebrow raise up to join the first in his hairline as the shorter girl came up to him and started jabbing him in the stomach with the dull end of a knitting needle. Of many possible actions here this was not one he had even contemplated her doing, and he stared down at her with a fair degree of disbelief. She'd been shy, hesitant, poorly attempting to sneak along behind him only to suddenly throw that away.

    "Excuse me what are you-" The blue-eyed man felt his face slacken a moment in shock when she spoke. No, no, there were a lot of reasons for people to be in dreams. Dreams were how your mind processed things you didn't even know that you had seen after all. He reached out and poked her forehead between her eyes with his index and middle finger, partially to distract her from watching him too closely.

    "I would say you're the weird one here, kid. It's not normal or polite to go around jabbing strangers with knitting needles. Now, as for why I didn't show up in your dreams - this is the first time we've met after all, you can't go having dreams about strange men." His lips quirked as he put one hand against his chest. "Oh, woe unto me, I am not the man of your dreams. You must find another it seems." Even as he joked it off, in the back of his mind Evian was fidgeting.

    No way, no way had he run across someone who, indirectly, was the cause of what had been done to him. There was no way his luck was that bad. Or good. He didn't know. This tiny woman certainly didn't seem like some evil mastermind using dark magics to discern the future and control it for her own gain. She was way, way too scatter brained for that.

  2. #2

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    "You're the weird one, all covered in dirt and blood and coming into a tavern."

    Oh she had lost her inhibitions now. Gosling her governess would be so bitterly disappointed as Celandine faced up to this, her first proper meeting and conversation since leaving the fortress. The desire to revert and act like a child came to the young faun, despite the fact that she had been drilled in proper mannerisms and had the sense and head to act mature. Really, right now this man was encouraging her to act her actual age.

    So he was real at least. The knitting needle test had confirmed that and he seemed uncertain about what she was talking about when she mentioned dreams. Satisfied that he was not some form of ghost or other scary beastie she nodded to herself and put her needle away. It occurred to her that maybe she should use them as weapons instead of the spears she had left ... In the inn she was staying? She couldn't be sure. She wasn't very good at keeping track of her weapons.

    Knitting on the other hand ...

    "You're interesting," she concluded. "And weird. You mentioned a drink?"

    And indeed she was suddenly excited. After her first failed attempt to properly make an acquaintance she was determined to do this right, and find out why he appeared as a shadow in her dreams. That was so unusual, and so it made him a new, exciting thing to learn about.

    And this faun loved to learn.

  3. #3

    EXP: 4,636, Level: 2
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 364
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 364


    "Hey now. Coming into a tavern with dust and blood on you isn't weird, it's just a sign of an adventurer or hunter. Or in my case being jumped by some weird furred overgrown ant thing." Evian relaxed slightly as the two continued their back and forth. Now she was acting more and more like a regular person, not skulking about and being awkward as all get out. He watched as she tucked her knitting needles away, inwardly thankful she wasn't going to keep jabbing him with the blasted things.

    She had, at least, been kind enough not to use the pointed end, but even so they reminded Evian a bit uncomfortably of other things he'd been stabbed with. Those had been far less kind than a goat-legged girl prodding him out of some kind of curiosity. As she brought back up his offer from earlier, he watched her eyes light up. It was like some kind of switch had been flipped inside of her and now she was eager to talk more with him.

    He'd take energetic over reticent and suspicious. Shaking his head slightly at the scene they must have been causing by now, he gestured towards an empty table. "By all means, sure. I try to be a man of my word." Somewhat confident she'd follow at this point, the dark haired man walked over to the table and set his things down, tucking the weapons under the table so they weren't in anyone else's way. That done, he spun a chair around and sat down on it, folding his arms onto the back as he leaned forward. It was early, so when the waitress came by he'd probably not go with anything too strong - and maybe find out if they had food. He was still a bit hungry.

    His companion, though - as a goat human, did she eat like goats? Ruminates? Or was her diet more like a normal human's? He found himself oddly curious about it. Cleverly she was close enough to have drinks, unless she meant plain water?

  4. #4

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    He was ... Sitting backwards.

    It threw her off, completely off. She had never seen someone use a chair like that, literally turn it around to the opposite direction it was designed for and sit on it in a way that had to be uncomfortable. Had to be. Normal humanoids didn't have legs like that - of course she was an exception, but honestly, it was just - it looked awkward. It confused and confounded her and she just stared at the man, or boy, who had at first disgusted her, then intrigued her, and now bemused her.

    She looked down at her own legs, with their funny bendy knees and fur and muscles and hooves and made a face before clopping over to the table he had chosen. The bard was back on the stage, and that was very nice because he was pretty good. His fingers expertly curated a melody out of spare notes left over from his earlier recital that satisfied her spirit.

    Celandine found a chair and sort of crashed into it with a huff. "Why backwards?" She asked. She might as well be straightforward. She had already thrown away all cordiality on the staring at him and poking him with the knitting needle.

    "You're sitting backwards," she frowned. "It's odd. You are weird. All dirty and okay you're an adventurer you say, which this place is full of apparently, but ... No," she shook her head firmly, pointing at him in the air, sans needle now. "You're weird. And I've met a lot of weirdos. My mum likes to collect them."

    An elf seemed to appear suddenly at their table with a tray and a pinny. In a soft voice she asked if they wanted anything to eat and Celandine paused before she gave an order for some chips and roasted vegetables.

    "No meat," she turned up her nose. "Though this weirdo likes to eat meat. Barbarian."

  5. #5

    EXP: 4,636, Level: 2
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 364
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 364


    "Faaaairly certain it's pretty normal to eat meat." Evian blinked once and turned his attention to the waitress. "I'll take a light ale and, what do you have available that you'd suggest?" The woman hummed in moment, her eyes flicking between the two before settling back on Evian.

    "We do have a nice mince pie, the cook just finished a batch. About this big." She held her hands up to indicate a size a little larger than a tea cup.

    "I'll take two of those, then. And water and I think, a light mead for the miss." The woman gave a polite bow and headed back to turn in their order and get their drinks. The sweet honey drink would probably suit Celadine better than a more bitter or strong brew would. Evian focused his gaze back on the young girl now, his eyes narrowing as he studied her for a moment. Finally he let his line of sight drop to his arms, which were still folded on the back of the chair, and he shrugged.

    "I've always been a bit more flexible. And I like having my arms up here rather than down low, at the moment." He shrugged. "I wouldn't say it's that weird, but I don't know. Can tell you grew up a bit more prim and proper." He chuckled and shook his head. "And if you recall, I said I was a traveler first and foremost. Meaning most of my time is spent on the road or in the wilds." Evian paused as the elf returned with their drinks, setting the mugs down in front of them.

    "Only reason I'm in town now is that I got attacked by some weird creature and I wanted to let the guard know." He shrugged again as he took a drink. The alcohol burned slightly as it slid down his throat, and Evian closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. The girl was dressed a bit plainly, but up close he could see that her clothes were of higher quality than most villagers would be able to afford. He wondered if he should say something, but decided against it for now. Wasn't his concern if a high society girl wanted to see what life was like. Huh. He blinked, blue eyes flitting around to see if anyone was watching her bodyguard style. He didn't see anyone, and it didn't look like anyone was paying them much attention.

  6. #6

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    But then his eye caught something. Someone who had disappeared to order a drink at the bar for a moment, and was now back from behind the large tree-trunk pillar-like beam. A strong-jawed elf lady, with dark hair cropped short and dressed in leather armour that allowed for movement but provided also some protection. Her build was muscled and clearly belonged to someone who had had warrior training, and a set of short axes were strapped to her back and torso in a bandolier. Over this garb was swung a cloak of homespun wool, so overall she looked like an average adventurer, except maybe better equipped more than the next.

    It was her gaze though that Evian noticed. She kept scanning the room, as if taking in the measure of the patrons, and then coming back to Celandine. Her body was turned towards them, and she seemed ready, eager to bounce into combat should the need arise. With her drink she looked like she was trying to play the part of just another traveller, but really there was something about the way she stood, didn't talk to anyone, didn't make eye contact and tried to seem inconspicuous to the point of being conspicuous that it was obvious.

    Celandine seemed oblivious. She was frowning at what Evian had said and was looking down at her clothing, her hands, her legs. It didn't seem like she was denying her well-to-do background, but certainly she was wondering about the obviousness of it.

    "I'm not that fancy. Or at least I don't want to be." Furiously she dug into her back and pulled out the half finished scarf. She began to knit, finishing it off. "I'll make myself something more boring then. What about me is ... Prim and proper? Am I too clean? Please don't say I have to go rolling in mud too?"

    She made a disgusted face.

    "You're too dirty. Maybe you need a bath. Or maybe I need to ... Hmm." She thought for a second, pausing in her knitting. "Should I make a jumper then?"
    Last edited by Celandine; 03-15-2021 at 08:02 AM.

  7. #7

    EXP: 4,636, Level: 2
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 364
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 364


    Now that was a bit..odd. Evian kept part of his attention on Celandine as she babbled on - not really listening, but nodding along as she spoke. The majority of his focus was on the out-of-place woman at the bar. His gaze was on Celandine, though, to not give away who he was actually watching.

    "No, no. You don't need to knit a jumper or roll in mud." He leaned forward, and from the corner of his eye he saw the elf tense up, her jaw tightening. He returned to sitting with his arms folded, and the woman relaxed slightly - though he saw that one hand was now hovering near the haft of a small axe on her chest.

    Hm. I'd say a bodyguard, but the girl doesn't seem to be aware of her. The dark haired man drummed the fingers of one hand on the back of his seat, thinking. He turned his head towards the door, looking at it, then glanced at Celandine with one eye. "You should probably buy some clothes from the local mart, for one. Yours are a good imitation, but made from too fine a thread. Though really only noticeable up close. The other thing, though?" He leaned closer again, his eyes narrowing as the elf let her empty hand drift closer to a weapon. He wasn't exactly the biggest fan of authority these days. Sure, he wanted to warn the guard of a bizarre creature - but that was to protect normal, weaker people. Farmers, civilians.

    Someone like this? A hidden watcher, to keep a rein on an innocent, naive girl? It set his temper to rising, and made him definitely want to spite the woman. Made worse by the fact that her immediate reaction was to choose violence - probably because she thought she would face no repercussions for attacking someone, even in broad daylight. It was a 'noble' attitude, one certain in its superiority to everyone around them. And it pissed. him. off. It was the kind of arrogance that had let his father get away with things, since no one would question his actions.

    So if Evian was right, and the goat-woman didn't know about her watcher there? He would happily help give the slip. He turned his focus almost entirely to Celandine, keeping just enough on the elf to react if she attacked. "This is the big one. Ditch the bodyguard for someone less obvious." His voice was low, low enough that the elf wouldn't hear his words. He was helped by a somewhat drunk patron staggering into the elf, and trying to flirt with her.

  8. #8

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    Bodyguard. Bodyguard?

    "Bodyguard?!" she said with perhaps too much volume, costly alarmed. Quickly her eyes began to scan the room, taking in the various patrons. They passed over the elf once, then stopped at her when they scanned it again. Celandine's eyes widened, her lips parted and she looked back at Evian with utter irritation.

    "Mother! Can't even let me ... Ugh," she growled, shoving her knitting back into her bag. The elf warrior seemed to acknowledge the irritation and was frozen stiff, between wondering if she should just come over now that she possibly had been found out, or if she should pretend to none be the wiser. The young faun seemed to not be bothered by the choice facing the elf, for her main emotion was anger right now.

    "My fucking mother," she spat, suddenly very unbecoming of a lady. But she didn't care. She was absolutely raging. "She said she would let me do this alone - ugh!"

    Quickly, she stood, and looked right at Evian. Speaking under her breath she neared him. "I need clothes huh, to blend in? Let's go get them. Are you good at losing people too, because I darn well could do with losing this tail."

    She hadn't come this far to be anyone princess. She had come this far to begin life for herself, and there was no way her infamous and famous mother was disrupting that.

  9. #9

    EXP: 4,636, Level: 2
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 364
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 364


    It took a concerted effort of will for Evian not to slap his palm against his forehead in exasperation with the girl suddenly shouted out, drawing everyone's attention. It wasn't just the elf woman - several people in the bar were suddenly looking at the goat-woman with appraising eyes. The fastest way to need a bodyguard was to draw attention to the fact that you were someone who needed one, it seemed. Both Celandine and the elf would have been better off with more anonymity. The girl at least had the excuse that she was naive and young, and she was trying to learn. The elf, on the other hand, was arrogant.

    Evian sighed and dropped coins on the table to cover the bill, even for the food they wouldn't get a chance to eat. It wasn't the tavern's fault they were leaving after all. He did look a bit longingly towards the kitchen, where he knew the mince pies were, then shook his head before standing up, rising above the petite goat woman. "Alright, alright. Let's shake the dust from our boots here, then. C'mon." Long, strong fingers curled around one of Celandine's wrists, and with that the two were off, Evian pulling his shorter companion along with him.

    From the corner of his eye he saw the erstwhile bodyguard jolt in shock, before dropping her drink to the floor with a clatter. She didn't even seem to notice, instead taking off towards the two, her pace picking up as she realized fully what was happening. But she wouldn't catch up in time to stop them going through the door - Evian pushed Celandine out first then stepped up behind her, slamming the door shut behind him. He could head footbeats racing at the door, and he looked down at the tiny woman next to him. Evian gave her a wink before closing his eyes, concentrating briefly.

    The elf woman clearly expected she would be able to burst through the door after them, lowering her shoulder to ram into it. Her belief was wrong, though. When she hit the door, lines of strain popped up on Evian's face for a moment - but the door held, a resounding thump coming through it to their ears. The man waited a moment, then cracked the door open, to see the elf woman laying in a jumbled heap on the other side. Already other patrons were coming over to offer help.

    "Well now. She'll be right as rain soon enough. Time to make tracks, miss." With a nudge to her shoulder, Evian walked past Celandine, long legs carrying him towards the marketplace.

  10. #10

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    A giggle left her mouth as she saw a glimpse of the crumpled mess that was her bodyguard. Though she was still angry Celandine could not help but feel amused at the victory. Eagerly she nodded at her newfound comrade and ran to catch up with him as he strode away.

    "Thank you," she garbled messily, as if she had never been taught any etiquette. "I only - thank you." Quickly, her hooves tapped on the cobbles, and she glanced behind her to assess the situation that they had left. There was no one as yet following them, and she hoped that none would. Who the elf axewoman was she wasn't sure, but there was no doubt it was a lady of her mother's.

    "Let's go ..." She hummed as she veered and went off down a dark alley, running before he could protest. Sticking out her tongue she used a basic knowledge of geography and town planning and figured out the next sharp turns and access to the direction she assumed he had been heading. At the end of the alleyway she began to climb a ladder, not even sure if he was coming.

    It took her only a few rungs of climbing to find she had made a mistake. A large set of eight eyes glared down at her from a window, clicking it's strange mandibles. She swallowed and she froze, having not had bargained to meet a spider on the way.

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