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    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 1,359
    Level completed: 73%,
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    Leoric Blackwell

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    Blasphemy and Lust (Closed) (Mature)

    (Closed to Fae)

    Leoric shivered as he walked through the snow covered streets of the small port town he was in. he was sent on a rather boring fetch quest to locate and purchase four magic stones, two that would appear as Rubies, one that would look like an Emerald, and one that was black like polished Obsidian. He only was told what the black stone would do, and that if tapped two times in rapid succession, whoever was holding it would become frozen in place for ten minutes, unable to move or speak. He wasn’t sure why Bernholdt wanted these stones. But he was told that she could create some very interesting items out of them.

    Leoric sighed and bundled up under his thick, heavy, fur cloak. He could handle the cold, after all Corone had its share of cold and snow, But nothing like Salvar. The biting and piercing wind gnawed away at any exposed skin and made your bones rattle. After only an hour going from shop to shop and asking probing questions he felt like he could never get warm again. The cold just clung to him like a clingy newlywed couple.

    Thankfully a few years back he was out this way and he knew roughly where a hidden natural hot water spring was. It was great for working out and then letting his sore muscles relax in the warm naturally heated water. It even had some interesting rock formations that let him pirch on top of like a bird and get his other muscle groups worked out. So he knew where he could go to hide if the Church of the Ethereal sway ever came looking for him.

    The frigid brawler resigned himself for the evening as most shops quickly turned away his patronage at the mention of ‘magic’ even before he could speak about ‘magic stones’. So he found a nearby Tavern called the ‘Evening Nip’ and ducked inside to get himself a few drinks.

    “Ev’ning sir, she be a chilly one aint she?” The man behind the bar asked as leoric shivered and shook all the snow off of his fur before taking a few steps inside.

    “Aye, she is a cold one for sure. A little too cold then what i am used to, got anything to warm the soul? Going to need two bottles at least.” Leoric asked as he sat down and rested his arms on the smooth dark oak bar top. Before letting out a heavy sigh and straightening out his back.

    “Well you clearly aren’t from around here, we typically don’t wear so little around these months. You have a long day out in the cold? Or just a disappointing one?”

    “That easy to tell huh? And technically both, I have been sent to locate and bring back some items that are apparently taboo around here, so i can’t get any information on them.” Leoric lowered his voice to a whisper as he spoke about the taboo items. The bar tender nodded as if he understood and slid two bottles towards the frozen patron and handed him a note.

    Spectacular Shanna’s Sundries
    First right after ‘Warm lights Glow Inn’
    Second door on the left.

    Leoric nodded and slid the note into his jacket pocket before upending a bottle of whiskey and stopping half way through and looking at the bartender in amazement.

    “This is absolutely delicious! What is this? And the warmth it provides, I think I just fell in love with whatever this is!”

    “Ha ha! That my fine patron is called ‘The Amber Glow’ we use natural spring water from a nearby mountain spring, mix it with amberized Honey and add some Juniper berries and some proprietary herbs and spices, then we let it sit in the cellar for a month before we finally sieve all the bits out and serve chilled to customers. Its 5 gold a bottle”

    “Say no more!” Leoric says as he slides twenty gold pieces across the counter and continues sipping on his bottle, this time now savoring every drop he can in enjoyment. It wasn't long before a bottle was empty and he placed it back down on the bar and walked out with his second one ready to continue his search. The note hadn’t specified any opening or closing times, so he was hoping he could just walk right on in. if not, he would probably do the hike to his hot spring and spend the night in some familiar terrain.
    Last edited by Leoric; 03-15-2021 at 02:29 AM.

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