Leoric quickly ran over to the stalagmite holding his loincloth and quickly put it on. Normally he wouldn't care, anyone was welcome to a peak, but it clearly made her uncomfortable and after the encounter earlier he felt like he should behave while he could.

“Money is of no consequence for me, I make a decent enough living with my usual jobs. You keep your gold for yourself.” Leoric sighed as he turned around to face her and walked out of the pool in her direction, stopping only to reach down and grab a bottle of something out of his clothing bundle on the ground. “I must insist, a hot bath will feel quite heavenly after a long day in the cold, and as for my apology for .. well flashing you, i will share my last drink with you.”

The confident brawler walked back to the pool and slowly lowered himself in and sat against the edge, his back to her.

“I would advise stripping down to at least your undergarments, in this cave it takes forever for things to dry. Wouldn't want to head out in that blistering cold with wet clothing now would we? But, if you feel too shy about that, why not come and at least dip your feet in and relax next to me?”

“You said your name was Fae, correct? I am afraid I may have made the situation a lot worse for the both of us. If those men do go to the church we won’t have much time to get out before they find us… being a quiet hermit to yourself is one thing, but openly using magic to attack? Those men are going to lump us together and that makes it a huge problem.” Leoric popped the top off his bottle and took a swig before placing it softly down next to him. “Seeing as our fates are entwined now, mind telling me a bit about yourself?”