He was born in the late afternoon on a summer's day, when the sun hung in a cloudless sky and lit up the courtyard with dappled light. Girl and horse sat, waiting, and received word of her brother by a window being thrown wide open and his name being shouted loud and proud.

"Aderyn Lance van der Aart, son and prince of Philomel van der Aart, he who will be deeply beloved and will walk in a brighter world."

Celandine herself was blessed by Philomel's goddess. Who know though, what life waited for Aderyn. Whereas she had physically and mentally grown up twice as fast as a normal faun might, there was no knowing what he might become. Would he have magic? Would be be special at all? He would definitely have the life Celandine should have had, although hopefully less sheltered. The young woman did not know how to feel about him as his arrival was shouted across the cliffside and met with rousing cheer. He would be a great thing for her mother, that was certain, but also a new change for Celandine herself.

"I have a brother," she sighed quietly, looking at her father's horse.

Megladon snorted back, not knowing much difference between the world that was before and after, but at least there were oats still. He ate them up greedily as she offered some.

"Hmm. Aderyn."

She pondered the name. Very likely it had some connotation of a bird, her mother's name meaning 'nightingale' and her own meaning ... What was it again? Bluebird? Blackbird? Celandine huffed. She couldn't actually remember.

That wasn't useful.