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    Christopher DeBair's Avatar


    Christopher DeBair

    Life is just a game, and everyone who plays it is a pawn. (Level 1)[WIP]

    Name: Christoph DeBair
    Age: The business end of 34
    Race: Human Earthling


    He’d call himself nearly six foot, but Christopher is around five foot ten and slightly overweight, with dark blonde hair, a beard and green eyes. Sadly, the entity that dumped him and his mates in the snowy wastes of Salvar didn’t care to send a wardrobe, so the lad is stuck in his boxers, socks, denim jeans, black Primark T-shirt and running trainers. At least he brought his leather jacket. Oh, and inside one of the pockets is a packet of lemon lockets. Fancy that.

    Christopher has a sense of humour that struggles to find a threshold, almost as if there is no line he isn’t willing to cross. That said, he can have moments of deep introspection and experiences emotions like any normal human would.

    1 x Ted Baker brown wallet, containing a ten pound note and a Costco card.
    1 x Swiss army knife made of steel.
    1 x Samsung Galaxy S9 on 55% battery, having been charged that morning.
    1 x half eaten packet of honey and lemon Lockets.

    Master of Pop Culture:

    He’s seen it all, from Star Wars to Shawshank Redemption, from Apocalypse Now to the Avengers. No-one can drop a quote or reference like Christopher can.

    Average Chef:

    He can make you a cracking bangers and mash, but would probably struggle with a lobster risotto.


    He’s a smart guy, and can follow a logical path to anything. Well, anything except waking up in “Norway”.


    Years of Risk, Command and Conquer and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six taught Christopher more about being smart than anything else. Shame that he’s stuck in a steam-tech era nightmare where none of that will be useful. Or will it?


    The One With The Basic Knowledge about Things:

    He doesn’t realise it yet, but the entity that dumped him in Salvar from Earth didn’t leave him with just his clothes. Turns out that he was gifted the ability to gain average proficiency in any item he picks up in the Althanian realms. Pretty handy, that. Wouldn’t you say?

    The One With The Neat Language Thing (Like In Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy):

    The entity made sure that Christopher could discuss Risk games past and moan about the decline of Manchester United to everyone he comes across in Althanas. He understands all common languages, even drow.

    The One With the Thing That Copies Stuff:

    Once a day, If Christopher sees an item, he can create a replica of it out of iron. None of the items he creates can be sold, but he can keep them.

    Very little is known about Christopher, even about himself. The reason for this is simple; an entity took him and three of his mates (Ross, Mark and Luke) from his home city of Manchester, UK (Planet Earth), cut off most of their memories, gave them unusual abilities and dumped them all in Salvar. Why? How? No-one knows, yet. But, he'll find out.

    Oh, by god, he'll find out.
    Last edited by Christopher DeBair; 03-12-2021 at 06:31 AM.

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