i attempted to put some of my own lore into site canon and I can share a few thoughts.

the new system for lore additions is looking pretty good.

i think there should be (if there isnt already) more character lore emphasis.

some of us like to approach the site solo and don't mesh well with others. (I include myself in this bunch.)

so I wanna see a revival of the character compendium and character lore on the wiki as well.

Tony I'm not using Elthas or my alt characters anymore so feel free to delete them from the wiki I intend to focus mainly on Nosdyn and go as ham as possible.

This all bein said, I can say attempting to add lore was very fluid and I didn't have any trouble at all.

I'm glad that these additions to the wiki are being made. I'll add more thoughts as I come up with it, keep doing the great work guys.