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    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 1,359
    Level completed: 73%,
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    Leoric Blackwell

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    What had it been? Three weeks stuck on the open sea? The only way to refresh yourself was a bucket of warmed water to stop you from smelling like unwashed smelly feet after a long day in a leather boot. One of the first priorities was obvious, Bathhouse, and if it happened to offer ‘additional’ services then he may as well use what coin he had just gotten from the ship to get himself in tip top shape before continuing the rest of his shopping trip.

    “Leo! You just got back in?” a voice called out from nearby as he pulled on the reins to stop the horses as he looked to his right.

    “Vincent! Lovely seeing you again. What are you up to?” The sea weary brawler asked as he shifted in his seat to look at his favorite ‘Gopher’ in town.

    “Oh you know just enjoying the new business and surviving the usual ruffians as i travel.” he chuckled as he took a step up onto the cart so him and leoric were more eye to eye.

    “Oh? You of all people own a business now? What is it? Vincent’s Vacant Views?” Leoric exchanged a hearty chuckle as his back twinged that quickly caused him to grab at his back.

    “Well not quite a Vacant view, it is quite occupied, the old owner of your favorite bathhouse and brothel was retiring, and cause i normally ran the errands for him and helped run it. He offered it to me.” Vincent proclaimed proudly.

    “Well then, i was already heading that way to freshen up and ‘empty the tank’ of all that buildup from the sea. And maybe some relaxation for this damn back of mine.” he winced as it twinged again as he turned around to sit straight at the front of the cart.

    “Getting old there friend? Well regardless the bathing is on the house, any additional services you know the usual fee.” Vincent shifted in his seat to start and get down from the cart.

    “I actually got a gift for you, but how about we get to your bathhouse, park up the cart and feed the horses and I will hand it to you as we head inside?” Leoric just ignored the getting old comment, after all he was going to need to send Vincent on a few errands as he relaxed in the bath. It didn’t take long for the people leoric usually visited in town to hear he was back and waved excitedly as he rode past them. Vincent helped leoric get the cart and horses behind the bathhouse and in a secure location. Leoric grabbed a singular bottle of Amber glow from one of the two large crates, and handed it to Vincent as they walked around and inside the Bathhouse.

    “That, my friend, is the finest booze i have ever tasted, a Salvaran specialty. I got a few bottles when I was over there so I can try and convince my local bar to start trying to get regular shipments of it for me. Enjoy a glass of once i am done getting pampered yeah?”

    Vincent’s eyes grew as leoric spoke, he normally could only afford the moose piss that the taverns had locally, he could never afford a whole bottle of anything, let alone something specialty.

    “Of course i will save the first glass to share with you! Do you need me to get you anything while you are getting washed up?” Leoric smirked as Vincent asked the question he always did and Leoric handed him a slip of paper and one of his pouches of gold. They had a rapport that leoric trusted and so didn’t mind handing over a full satchel of gold to get everything needed.

    “Make sure it gets stored on the cart yeah? Oh and make sure no one steals anything either, i would really hate to have to go hunt anyone down.” as those words finished coming out of his mouth the door to the bathhouse opened and two familiar ladies were standing there in fine dresses, they weren’t gorgeous dresses, but for this type of port town? They were fine enough.

    “Well, you don’t have to hunt far handsome, as I am sure you already know you stole my heart long ago.” Leoric chuckled as he turned and faced Arabella.

    “Well, at least I know who stole my breath, I will have to get you back for that one my sweet. And don’t think I have forgotten you either Alura, the Allure of your eyes is always irresistible to a man after three weeks at sea.” Leoric flashed his cocky grin at the other lady just behind Arabella before he turned back around to Vincent. “Well looks like you got your list of things to do, and i got my ladies to do.”

    Before Vincent could say or do anything the two ladies grabbed leoric and pulled him inside the Bathhouse, it would be a few hours before he would leave the bathhouse again. But this time, his shoulder length hair billowed in the wind freely and a gorgeous silky smooth, his beard that was long and ragged, was now beautifully trimmed and cared for. His clothing was washed and hung up to dry, and they even augmented his leather jacket to be a leather vest. He took in a big breath of fresh air as he did the last few errands he needed to do himself before heading to his usual tavern for the night and leaving at the crack of dawn the next day.


    As leoric walked inside his usual tavern a lot of the patron’s recognized him as they were regulars themselves. The bartender and barmaids were always happy to see Leoric. He flashed them all a cocky grin and a wave as he slapped four gold coins down on the bar as he passed it and sat down in his usual corner booth. A barmaid quickly brought over two mugs of ale.

    “Your usual food then handsome?”

    “Yeah that would be fine Lucy, Thank you!” he flashed her a grin as he leaned back, ran his hand through his now silky smooth hair, let out a large sigh and began to drink the ale that was in front of him.
    Last edited by Leoric; 10-21-2021 at 05:26 PM.

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