For a long moment Evian held his gaze on the redhead, studying her with probing eyes. She seemed absolutely devastated right now. Then he looked down at his empty mug, rolling it around slowly in his hands. Silence hung between them, broken by the intermittent noises from the rest of the bar. Finally he looked back up at her, his eyes dim.

"For me, it was deciding that I didn't want his legacy to be what I was known for. So I ran, I fled and hid, and escaped. Then? It was just a matter of survival, one day to the next." He chewed on his lower lip in thought. "Finally I figured that I wanted to see what the world has to offer. What else is out there that isn't that hell hole." His eyes narrowed.

"I can't tell you what you should do to keep going. Instead, I'll ask you this, red. What are you going to allow to control you? Fear? Regret?" One hand raised up, index finger pointing towards her. "Or are you going to be the one in control?" He set his mug down again. "You seem to think of yourself as some kind of abomination. All I see is a redheaded girl who is lost and doesn't know what to do with her life. So what if you failed? Unless they're some kind of actual inhuman monster, everyone has failed. Failed at keeping a promise, failed at doing some task. You've lived past your failure. So are you going to let it keep controlling you? Or are you going to learn and grow, so next time that doesn't happen? Because let me tell you this. If fear is king in your heart, be that fear of yourself, or of others, of failure- it will always win." Each of his last words were accompanied by a jab of his finger at her face.

"If you try, you may succeed. You may also fail. But if you don't even try, you will always fail."