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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    EXP: 25,219, Level: 6
    Level completed: 75%, EXP required for next Level: 1,781
    Level completed: 75%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,781


    Jasmine was pleasantly surprised to find that Lord Haversham was quite the dancer. They moved smoothly among the other dancers with precision and grace.

    “How are things back home, Highness?”

    “Please, just Jasmine, or Lady if you must. The titles are unnecessary. Moriah is doing well. Why do you ask, my Lord?”

    He spun her out and back in, “I have been thinking about expanding some of my business opportunities. I recognized you and thought it a convenient opportunity.”

    “Ah, well I hate to disappoint you, but I am not greatly involved in Moriah’s business dealings anymore. You must speak to the king.”

    “Is he not your brother?”

    “He is, but I do not involve myself with the affairs of running the kingdom. My title is a mere formality.”

    “I see. LOOK OUT!!”

    Lord Haversham nearly picked her up and threw her he moved so quickly as chaos and a falling chandelier erupted around them. He breathed heavily as he looked frantically around.

    “Are you okay, Lady Jasmine?”

    “Yes,” she answered, checking over herself for any inadvertent injuries from the shattered glass. “Yes, I’m quite alright.”


    Jasmine almost winced as her daughter’s “voice” rang in her head.

    I’m fine, Siela. Come and join me.


    Siela laughed merrily as she took a new hand in preparation for a dance. As she did, she stopped suddenly.

    “What’s wrong?” her suitor asked.

    “Nothing, it’s just-”

    Her words cut off as the windows burst open. As the chandelier fell her mind was filled with terror as the partygoers’ minds shouted loudly. She’d been able to ignore the hum of unguarded thoughts throughout the night, but the sudden volume change startled her. She sat back down hurriedly, putting a hand to her head.

    “Princess Siela?”

    The concern in the young man’s voice was genuine, but she waved him off. “I’m fine, it’s nothing. I must have stood a little too quickly.”

    She looked around the room and realized that she’d last seen her mother on the dance floor near the fallen chandelier. Panicked, she sent her thoughts out toward her mother. A moment later, relief flooded her face as Jasmine answered. She got to her feet and inclined her head politely to those around her.

    “Please, excuse me, gentlemen, I must see to my family.”

    She gave them no chance to respond and picked her way quickly across the room to stand with Jasmine.

    “Mother,” she whispered, “something is wrong, I can feel it.”

    Jasmine hushed her daughter, “Keep such things to yourself, Siela. We do not want the Ethereal Sway breathing down our necks because of your abilities. Zevernus, welcome back.”

    Zevernus nodded to his mother as he hurried up to them, “What’s going on?”

    Jasmine looked around. The screaming had largely stopped, though a number of ladies were still fanning themselves in shock at the edges of the room. “Lord Iverstead has been murdered,” she answered simply. “Where is Aiden?”

    “He’s still in the courtyard. We met a faun and another gal while we were outside. We were with them when the windows blew and a gust of wind rammed the door open. He’s staying with them to make sure they’re okay.”

    Siela closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating on tuning out the loud thoughts of panicked people. She cast around subtly, trying to see if anyone was suspiciously calm about the recent events.

    Jasmine looked around and noted that her dancing partner had disappeared. Figures, she thought resignedly, he must have slipped away as soon as he saw I was unhurt. No matter, there are more important things to worry about.

  2. #2

    EXP: 87,404, Level: 12
    Level completed: 81%, EXP required for next Level: 2,596
    Level completed: 81%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,596

    Lye's Avatar


    Lichensith Ulroke
    She moved with less resistance than he anticipated. Like a brook over stones, she flowed in his hands. When he moved toward another direction, her body fell into it as though she willingly took a path of least resistance. Her footwork kept pace. Through these subtleties, the killer gleaned a faint light into the history scribed upon her soul. She knew the luxuries of dance, or at the very least the rhythm of the body to the sounds of music. Highest of all, he felt her trust.

    The hairs of his arms rose, skin warm with the same anticipation a hunter feels as they hold a bowstring taught and broadhead leveled on the heart of their prey.

    "Who am I..." he lingered on her question with a repetition and spun her out. Arms extended and wide, the looked as though incredibly distant. Then he tugged her gentle and spun her into his clutches with her back to his chest. He peered through the black, ceramic mask and spoke beside her ear. "I am both the question, the answer, and the part of you that says you should run, but you can't help but want to stay."

    The depth of the statement, though cryptic, carried a burdened weight buried beneath decades of experience, struggle, and conquest. Lye was something of his own, not easily labeled by his own words yet callously labeled by others: Killer, murderer, psychopath, madman...

    And at one point in time, lover, father, husband, neighbor...

    He twirled her face to face again. His hand rested on the small of her back, firm but gentle. Her answer about fear struck a chord of curiosity. Of all the reasons, fear? In his arms and in their dance she gave her trust, yet fear is what kept her caged. Leoric's intel alluded to something sleeping deep within her family name.

    "A raven does not deserve a cage," he replied again with cryptic meaning and allusion.

    Spurned by his words or some other unseen force, the ballroom quickly descended into madness. The dull greys and soft auras of blue from his second sight light ablaze. Wind washed through the bodies like a torrent. Chandeliers became large, heavy windchimes. Wax from the candles sprayed a warm rain own and peppered his suit and skin. The grin of entertainment faded into a grimace.

    Death was in the room.

    Screams rang, glass shattered, and despite the chaos, Lye stood stoic and tall. The hand which held hers moved around her. His will steeled. Light faded to dark from his left eye, but his right eye saw the workings of something that should not be in the sudden gale. As nobles cowered, and locals ran, Lye let his gaze drift to Tobias Stalt and his envoy of Mage Hunters.

    A wind like this, so sudden? Magic. It had to be. The first thing that came to mind-- The Church of Ethereal Sway.

    From the ceiling some twenty feet high loosed a chandelier thankfully a fair distance from them. The spirit of a poor man snuffed to ash under its weight. Then, with much less ceremony, the winds left toward the courtyard like an army of specters advancing their charge to another battleground.


    A body.

    "Fuck," Lye uttered. His grasp loosened on Fae.

    The guard answered the wail of the Lord's name and quickly assessed the wounds: seven stabs. Their weapons had been confiscated upon entry, Lye's included. The scene, the wind, something sat wrong in the pit of his stomach. What looked like an event to display wealth now carried dark and sinister undertones. This macabre music would most certainly point fingers his way by those aware of his craft.

    Lye looked for a direction, a place to go away from here. A faint trail of blue lead toward the courtyard and another to the second floor. A quick scan revealed the absence of other strong, political figures. Trails of what should not be lingered all throughout the ballroom. They crossed and knotted. No one hint stood above the rest. His eyes settled toward the higher vantage point where he felt would be the better of the two options. He turned to Fae, free from their dance.

    "If you would like to know more, follow me." The emerald and jade eyes behind the mask looked hardened.

    He moved casually, slowly, and with confidence toward the stairwell to the second story where Iverstead arrived from. The mass panic and murmurs covered his movement. Others, looking to flee from the blood, began to follow his lead. They started toward the large doors at the top of the stairwell and made the first steps toward the guest rooms. He used this to fall into the stream of bodies and cover his retreat.

    Lye moves to the Second Floor

  3. #3

    EXP: 25,219, Level: 6
    Level completed: 75%, EXP required for next Level: 1,781
    Level completed: 75%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,781


    AJ and Celandine enter from the courtyard. All bunnying approved between our posts.

    Celandine looked around the hall that was recovering from the chaos of their ordeal. The chandelier was still crashed, the massive structure piercing the air like some twisty and wirey monster. The broken glass that had been cast, thankfully, had been brushed up by the attentive staff, and the body itself was covered by a perfectly clean, white sheet. Courtiers, nobles and estranged guests alike huddled at the corners of the room, while a tall, pale man with white hair strode forwards, demanding answers, and a black raven-humanoid hurried after him, writing notes in a book as she went.

    Celandine knew she was in far too much trouble. First, there had been the murder in the small town when she had arrived on the Salvar shores, now there was this second one. The first she could keep quiet about, as it had been a local thing, but this one … her mother would be furious to know that she had been there.

    "But then, I'm not with her," the young lady faun growled, folding her arms and looking to her new companion. Taking in a breath she turned to the prince. "Where do we start?" She nodded at the pale man and the raven, who were talking to a servant at the moment. "They seem to know what to do. You wanted to find your family?"

    “Yeah,” Aiden looked around the room and finally spotted his family. “I see them over there. It doesn’t look like much else has happened yet. Would you like to stay with us for the time being?”

    “Certainly,” the faun replied.

    AJ led the way around the mangled chandelier and waved to his family with his free hand. As they approached, he began introductions.

    “Mother, this is Celandine. ZJ and I met her in the courtyard. Celandine, this is my mother, Lady Jasmine Draocsius, my sister, Siela, and you already met my older twin.”

    Jasmine inclined her head politely, “Good to meet you, Celandine. While you’ve been outside, quite the commotion has been happening in here. Unfortunately, there’s been no further news other than that no one is to leave the estate. Several other lords and ladies seem to be missing as well. Hopefully, someone will have something soon for all of us. I’ve never been particularly fond of murder mystery stories.”

  4. #4
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,303

    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    As this thread has drawn to a close, we will be giving experience and GP for all participants regardless of completion status.

    Tobias Stalt gains 120 EXP
    Fae gains 80 EXP
    Lye gains 150 EXP
    Christoph gains 80 EXP
    Flamebird gains 50 EXP
    loves.blessing gains 40 EXP
    darkest.desires gains 20 EXP
    Shin gains 200 EXP
    ophans gains 50 EXP
    Adrielle gains 40 EXP
    Black Shadow gains 40 EXP

    Since this took so long I'm going to just do a flat GP reward across the board of 150 GP per character.

  5. #5
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,303

    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    All EXP and GP added

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