The music siphoned gently through two massive oaken doors. The Lord of the manor stood just behind them with his eyes affixed as though he could picture the ballroom floor filled with people from near and far. Equal parts of hope and dread beat in his chest.

"M'lord?" asked one of two servants to his side. Their hands rested on the handles awaiting his command. He nodded and the light of the ballroom washed over his angular features.

Lord Iverstead stepped forward to the railway overlooking the ballroom's expanse. He stood tall in his lavish attire. Gold filigree accented fine silks and thick vlince. His frame spoke toward a man who not only oversaw a massive Salvic estate, but knew the trials of the battlefield. Rich, dark locks of voluminous hair framed his darker complexion. Soft, blue eyes stood out against his militaristic appearance and posture. A scar over his cheek and nose told a tale of hardship from the ages of his youth. Eyes fell upon him one by one until the musicians halted their tune. Their attention belonged to him.

"Welcome." His voice carried over a hushed crowd like the soothing, low thrum of a cello. "It is a pleasure to see so many of you accept my invitation to Iverstead Estate. I, Felix James Iverstead the fifth, am humbled."

His arm pulled across his chest, and he bowed to those beneath him. Some among the crowd lowered their heads in response. Those of his servants that tended to his guests all bowed and curtsied in reply. Lord Iverstead rose.

"This night marks the two hundred and thirty second Banishment of White. Tonight, we welcome a season of health, harvest, and prosperity free from the icy grasp of the North. Unlike previous Banishments of White, I have opened my home to noble and common alike. Tonight, I ask you see each other as equals."

The statement stirred low chatter from the attendees. The Lord focused his gaze on the other six lords in attendance from the neighboring estates. If looks could kill, Iverstead's chest would have a half dozen arrows suddenly sprout from his chest.

"Tonight, my home is yours. My servants will see to your needs. Do not hesitate to make use of them as your own."

Again, those in masks decorated with raven feathers bowed and curtsied.

"Some of you may notice that my side is vacant," he stated with a gesture to the lack of anyone to either side of him. "I have been without company for some six moons. Tonight, I look to stand on equal ground with the rest of you. I look to fill these vacancies with laughter, smiles, and life. These cold, Salvic winters take so much from our people..."

His strong, soothing voice trailed off. A moment of silence stung those who understood the depth of his pause.

"Tonight, Iverstead Estate will look to the coming season with charity and hope. Tonight is about giving, living, creating new memories. Memories I hope you may cherish and look back upon as a guiding light long after darkness falls."

He caught himself in the weight of his own thoughts and shook his head with a hearty laugh. The steeled expression gave way to a warm, genuine smile.

"That's quite enough." He gestured a white glove toward the musicians with a nod. "Let the festivities resume."

Music again filled the massive chamber and servants busied about with platters of refreshment and appetizers. As the buzz of the night worked its way back into a fervor, the Lord of the Estate descended the stairs and joined the crowd below.